Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Ah yes, where you complained Horde got night elves, complained you didnt get high elves, and completely ignoted nightborne being different from night elves and getting void elves. Yeahj, you were dishonest at the time.
Glad you admitted to being immature.

And this is the part that matters. Look, I understand where you are coming from, but you are operating under the belief that Dalaran will kick out sunreavers for fighting for their people in a faction war. You have no indication of it, and frankly, this happens all the time in real life. Where citizens with dual citizenship will engage in a war that one of their countries has declared neutrality in.
American mercenaries do it all the time and maintain dual citizenship So why are you acting as if this is what will or should occur?

And yet you still insist on the point.

And what does this have, in relation to an individuals emotional state? Quit trying to play psych 101 Fyorsing. You’re bad at it.

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whats your evidence they are still there then

Took me too long, but I’ve been in and out too much lately.

Don’t worry, took me this long to guess as well. But it was Talendrion that actually pointed it out.

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We last saw them in the Broken Isles. We know they weren’t present in BFA.

Maybe they are there, I don’t know. They have not been shown to move out, unlike Dalaran though.

Again, you don’t have evidence that they have, you just think it’s logical so it must be fact. It’s always the same with you, even when your logic has more holes than swiss cheese at best.

Well, we last saw them in Suaramar. So…

Yep, on the same side of the road as the Kael’dorei.

Even if they are not a Formal part of the Alliance, which I believe they are. I can assuredly say they are completely against the Horde, making them more Alliance then Neutral.


Sorry, I didn’t get in reference to what this is specifically.

they also wont be appearing in shadowlands as well. vereesa could in the context of a windrunner sister only again. i worry sylvanas might actually kill her this time tho courtesy of a bushel of arrows or the same way saurfang went

I don’t imagine we’ll see them unless Dalaran is involved.

Vereesa literally states in Three Sisters that she believes “Blood Elves can be Redeemed and Rejoin The Alliance”

I don’t know what else people need at this point. This is such a bunch of “Weeeel akshually she’s not technically alliance because…”


You mean the EXACT SAME THING I HAVE SAID here. But here you didn’t say that.

Yes in that specific instance i did. But hey if you need a tiny win so bad, you run with it. I know you don’t get many wins or you wouldn’t be trying SO HARD to get one, how’s all that maturity coming along for you?

Normally i don’t care who’s alt i am talking too but i am curious if anyone knows who this guy is? Is it Broflake? I mean he is trying really really hard for just any scrap.

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I don’t think so. Otherwise we’d see them with the Alliance and they only show up when Dalaran does. That and they pledged themselves to the Unseen Path. I don’t know if that means they left Dalran, but that’s another neutral faction. They seem to have a lot of ties outside of Stormwind.

That is not what you were originally arguing. You were arguing them being alliance aligned, which is different from being a sympathizer.
Do they sympathize? Undoubtedly.
Are they aligned? Most sources suggest they are not because of hthe KT being neutral, and they obey the KT accordingly.

The story could go anywhere, not denying it. I am simply discussing where the story is now.

Which she could easily do because of the existence of Stormwind and other Alliance bases. She made an intentional choice to remain in Dalaran.= despite its neutrality.

Are you missing the facct that she stands between Sylvanas (Horde) and Alleria (Alliance), as an overarching theme to her character portrayal?
She may feel the Alliance is best for the blood elves yes, but in terms of her character portrayal she has always had those “Well I like the alliance BUT, I get why the blood elves did this.”

You mean…the Windrunner sister who Hates lor’themar and who Lor’themar hates does not want to be present where the guy she hates might be?

You mean the Windrunner sister who is present while everyone including the Horde is focusing on the Old god N’zoth is present when no faction war is occurring?

how does her wishing they leave the horde prove shes alliance? you know what would prove shes alliance? if she started appearing in all the cut scenes, if she stood on the boat with alleria, if she moved to SW :joy:

It was the Horde than killed her Husband. You think she would go neutral after that?

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They show up wherever Blood Elves show up.

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if you read war crimes, you know she blames garrosh in the end