Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Is this better? :wink:

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Much better.

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Don’t misunderstand, I am all for the Alliance being gritty, having conflict, facing their past. It would be great, but the last time we had a grey story like purge of dalaran, many weren’t happy about it.

What is treachery but a matter of perspective?
The British saw Americans as traitors and terrorists.
The Americans saw themselves as patriots who were fighting for freedom.
You cannot, however, say its a matter of perspective but then try to invalidate a perfectly valid one.

How so? Unlike the Silver Covenant, the Sunreavers are a part of the blood elven kingdom and as such, are behold to acting on Silvermoon’s commands. If Silvermoon goes to war, the Sunreavers do as well.
The Silver Covenant, however, does not have such connections to a faction that they are obligated to obey. If the Alliance goes to war, they do not. If Dalaran went to war, they certainly would as well. hence their complete absence in BFA.

The point went over your head, but that is because your are transferring feelings of fear and worry. One can oppose something because they dislike the idea and believe it to be a bad one. Fear not be involved.

Or maybe they honestly aren’t worried but wish to have their views heard like everyone else? Something may not affect me directly or indirectly but that does not mean I cannot oppose or support it based on its merits.

Climate change, for example, won’t hurt me in my life time. I can support policies that improve the climate for my descendants or for the benefit of others because it is a good idea.

I would love more hair color options like white, black and brown. More hair styles too.


Who are led by Vareesa Windrunner, NOT the Kirin Tor.


The Alliance and the Horde shouldn’t be getting the better of either one when it comes to a feature for both sides…they should be getting as close to equivalent as possible. But you are right, the art assets of the Void Elves do seem to be superior (if judged by how many players play them) to the Nightborne.

Just because you use a pretty word like vapid doesn’t make it so. If it was so, then i wouldn’t be complaining…along with NUMEROUS others over 15 years.

Also having an opinion and expressing it is the EXACT OPPOSITE of immature.

Blah blah blah blah…now you can call me immature, not that i care.

I would prefer to voice my discontent with Blizzard’s “compromise” and seeming bias toward the Horde in how they have treated the factions with the AR’s they came up with so my displeasure is known. I believe in trying to change from within then quitting because they haven’t done exactly what i want in the game.

And fair skin colours too :heart:

It would make my mog stand out and shine when doing double judgement.

Hahahaha! Farts.

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Why not? XD more customizations are always good.

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I rather see a lot more customisations options for Void Elves actually.

Even just giving them fair skin would be good enough. After all, Aleria is training more to control it. She isn’t training them to be transformed.

Now, if people will excuse me, I gotta try and get the one person to reply back about which toon am I supposed to post on.

Something which needs to be brought up more.

Who obeys the Kirin Tor. That’s like saying
“The Navy is led by Admiral Gildman”
after someone says
“The Navy obeys the U.S. President.”.

Void elves = blood elves = high elves = allied to the Alliance in WC 2.

I agreewith you. Equal effort should be put into them, and unfortunately, the effort put was equally bad. It isn’t fair, and I don’t like it. It is why I dislike the AR system. It is an excuse to put out low quality work and say “we did good!”.

Just because you and five others insist on 2+2 = 5 does not make it correct. It still mean you are incorrect. This is why group think is a bad thing.

It is dependent on the context. Screaming “I WANT HIGH ELVES BECAUSE THEY ARE PRETTY AND HOT AND I WANT THEM BECAUSE I WANT THEM!”, is expressing an opinion and is immature.

Saying “I want high elves because they’re cool.” is certainly more mature.

You cared enough to be upset when you were called out for acting entitled and immature.

You’re not working for them, and you’re not creating a movement by attempting to alienate those who disagree with you.

I am still waiting for you to tell me which toon I am supposed to post on.

Just pick one and stick with it.

I am waiting for his answer actually. He said I am posting on the wrong character, so I am waiting for his reply on which toon I am supposed to post on.

Nothing I have done stops you from also doing that. :wink:

That’s because I can double judge your demons.

Oh yeah, sorry to say, your Succubi, I’m keeping as my slave pet.

EDIT: Ah s***, I seem to can’t find my mage now.

Uh, sure…?

Its sure mighty important to pick the right character to respond to people on even when you’re being completely upfront about posting on a separate alt.

Otherwise it might get confusing.

Well, that guy I was just replying too, he was arguing with someone else, and as soon as I stepped in, he decided to say I posted on the wrong toon…

Though all my toons have Sara in it, so not sure on how that is confusing.

I totally agree with this guy.

On a totally completely 100% unrelated note, thats a nice guild hes got there.