Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

brb, getting screenshots.

Every Horde race can have a bit of being complicit in a genocide, as a treat.

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so youre backtracking now?

and again when it comes to ‘high’ elves you are seeing the same group reappear

I said that mages are numerous and more reocurring. I never said that they are more numerous, because we simply don’t know which group would be. Pay attention.

Be done with the diversion and please, do tell us how the SC, a group factually multi class makes less sense than a group of scholars.

i just inspected isle of thunder, its mostly ranger type npcs

Interesting, The opening post looks like a direct copy/paste (literally) of many previous threads. Basically boils down to another anti-high elf troll thread.

Yes, it was Motors. Thalyssra’s actions made the nightborne traitorous to their night elven kin. Kin who were probably friends and maybe even family at some point. A flimsy reason.
Void elves were made traitorous to their kin. They were kicked out for stupid reasons

Umbric: Let me investigate and practice this dangerous magic that a traitor was using.
Rommath: Don’t do that
Umbric: Ima do it anyway
Rommath: You’re exiled.

It is pretty silly how each one ended up on the other side. SO yes, there is parity. You’re too busy wanting to see things as Blizzard; for some unknowable reason; wanting to alienate half the playerbase that pays them money to run the game.

Who are neutral because they are based in Dalaran and obey the Kirin Tor.

That doesn’t counter what I said now does it? Void elves had history. Nightborne didn’t.
Void elves became allies for stupid reasons.
Nightborne became allies for stupid reasons.
At least void elves look good and have customization options and good racials so, Alliance did get the better of Horde in those aspects at least.

It doesn’t mean you are faking your rage, it means you are justifying it for vapid reasons.

Some things should be minimized because they are vapid and immature in their origins. Some things, you really should get over.

That depends on what you are discussing. I won’t call you something if it doesn’t fit. Right now you’re acting entitled, and immature over what Blizzard has done in design. If you don’t like it, quit.

The game doesn’t treat the high elves like the traitors they are either lol. Seriously, let’s not act facetiously. Nightborne are still killing people who were their own.

Glad we reached that understanding.

And those who want high elves are most certainly concerned Blizzard won’t ever pull the trigger. Considering its been 15 years, I guess that fear is justified. Or maybe we’re assigning motives and emotions to things for the sake of holding others in contempt because they disagree about pixels.

In which case, I am not surprised, human beings get rather hateful if someone says No to their Yes.

lol sure Jan.

Honestly i’m full on Tyrande, if they give us the schism in the Alliance i am hoping for…i am team Tyrande and full on kill all Horde on site after what happened at Teldrassil. So tired of our horrific peace loving leadership that is the cause of countless deaths within the Alliance and losses of Alliance lands.


It would be a fun change of pace for once.


Did you come into the multiple High Elf threads that were kicked off by really similar openers stating that they were pro-high elf troll threads?

Why is one position trolling while the other one isn’t?

And my point is whether they are “traitorous” is a matter of perspective, not facts. Why are people treating “killing your kin” as somehow factually worse than just killing other sentient humanoids?

It would be good story, but it probably wont. People don’t like the Alliance heroes well, getting their hands dirty.

It is indeed a matter of perspective, and it happens to be that a perspective in which people who were once allies turn around and begin stabbing you in the face are seen as traitors.

JUst as void elves and high elves are traitors depending on perspective,

So because some people wouldn’t like it we are all barred from experience it? Like I’m sure that some horde don’t love to do a genocide every thursday, but good for those who like it.

All I’m saying is that it would be cool if the alliance went off sometimes too. Let’s get messy.

Doesn’t “make” them traitors tho. That’s just how you perceive them

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Justice for Teldrassil.


The main problem being that some of the people who don’t like it are on the story team, so we get things like how when we go into a faction war expansion, it’s based on out of the blue Horde agression, and not Genn Greymane deciding his revenge is worth starting a war for. He’s even now getting cleaned up to not be hateful to the undead anymore, but just the big meanie that all the blame was heaped on by the writing staff.

Please don’t set me on fire…

To be fair, this means that the Sunreavers must necessarily be neutral as well – fine by me, keeps the door open for Aethas to become a Void Elf. :smiley:


There aren’t many people in favor of implementing playable High Elves who would testify that they’re not concerned by the fact that Blizzard hasn’t pulled the trigger already – the fact that we’ve gone 15 years is probably part of the reason why the frequency and volume of the request continues to gradually increase.

There are plenty of people in opposition to implementing playable High Elves, however, who routinely opine that they’re not at all worried about playable High Elves being added – you very routinely see variations of, “never going to happen”, “not worried, you’ll never see High Elves”. They’re lying to themselves, or else the same 10-20 people wouldn’t maintain daily opposition for 15+ years.

Edit: Ah, like clockwork. Just look two posts above.

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You are probably safe, if you avoid horde territories for a while.

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Give me a minute, let me polymorph into something else…

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