Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

The fact that ION had the nerve to say if you wanted to play High Elves the Horde was waiting for you while coming up with some “compromise” as a “crack squad” race while not bringing the Silver Covenant and Vareesa (who is very involved in the Alliance leadership) into the Alliance as playable is HIGHLY aggravating.

But to then hand the Horde Night Elves with all the lore and weight and story of them while coming up with some garbage why Allies can’t have High Elves, yea that pisses me off.


Nobody likes Ion as much though. He was good when he was a raid encounter dev, but as a lead dev, he isn’t that good.

I just dont’ think they care if it’s being asked for, if there are topics about, etc. If anything they probably appreciate that people are interested in the game and are talking about it regardless of the topics.

Such a shame that they didn’t give Alliance Thalassian elves at the same time…


I don’t think he is a bad guy, but i think either he is blatantly biased toward the Horde or he is just out of touch as to what he or the devs as a whole are doing and terribly unaware of how he is coming across even if he is not meaning to be.

And i am only talking about this specific topic, i’m not in the camp of firing him or any garbage like that. I think he is a decent dude.

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The problem with that is that just saying no is a discretionary decision based on design sensibilities, not an answer that is a result of the lore of the game. if they say no it doesn’t meant High Elves can’t be playable, it just means they don’t want to make them playable. And the whole point of the request is that they hopefully change their minds someday.

Things that would actually affect the request:

-Killing of the High Elves.
-Making the High Elves into Void Elves.
-Phase them into Half Elves.

If it is a lore problem, it needs a lore solution. For the meaningful request for High Elves to stop, High Elves have to cease to exist as a group. There would still be people saying “but we could get AU High Elves!?” and we could laugh together at them.

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That is a fair valid point actually. I never really looked at it that way.

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if blizzard never bothered to rebrand the high elves as blood elves would this topic of ‘discussion’ even exist? i always wondered this

what alliance high elves could they have used? the SC are mostly farstrider types, they wouldnt be dabbling in void magic. what the mage in SW? what group? there isnt one. so they used the high elves that made sense, the blood elves

I’d take high elves without a blonde hair option and be content. Give me red hair and I’m good.

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GIve me dark hair colours and I’ll be happy.

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My advice to the Quel’dorei Allied Race community is two things:

  1. Move for the Quel’dorei customization for ren’dorei, and push them into their story to have a unified Alliance elven backing.
  2. Push for half-elves so they have a chance to become something new.

This is the perfect solution to the high elf problem.

Half elves could carry on the tradition aswell as the paladin class and be members of the silver covenant. They could rebuild theramore as their home.
I wish pro-helfers were more willing to let go of the “high elf” label. I mean, I’m already hearing arguments from the pro-helfers that the high elves that they want would look distinct from bloodelves due to interbreeding with humans.

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They could kill them all when someone burns their city down?

Oh! I know! Have a scenario where Vereesa and the SC and Alleria track down the rest of the high elves and convinces them to become Void Elves and at the same time they can answer that unanswered “Can we make more Void Elves” question.

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And that is perfectly fine. I may not agree with you, but I do support your ability to request high elves.

I Hope they do not, it would not be healthy for the game.

Are you afraid they won’t?
Its a video game, let’s not suggest silly things.

You…do realize void elves therefore inherit all the lore regarding blood elves which is just as extensive as night elf lore right? Your anger doesn’t come off as justified.

Only if no High Elves remained on the alliance and if WoW make sure to get rid of them, and not give them a faction that shows up every other expansion.

The SC is literally a group settled in Dalaran, so they also have bunches of mages. -The most reocurring SC NPC’s are their Battle-mages, not their Rangers- During MoP, we also see they had assassins and warriors.

They already had more class diversity than a group of scholars study the Void Should Have.

Do you really think a group of, again, scholars, make more sense than a group of multidisciplinary soldiers that the SC literally is?

[citation needed]

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IMO that’s the best case scenario but begs the question of why weren’t they that since the beginning.

Where is your citation it would be healthy for the game?

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Based off the three sisters comic, they seemingly want Vereesa to middle man Alleria and Sylvanas.

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So stuff based on another game.

Which means you don’t have anything to prove that it would hurt WoW.

Based on that logic, nothing can be evidence because it isn’t the direct subject we are discussing.

We have no idea that Trump’s trickle down economics won’t work! Its not like its 1981-1989!

The only way we can prove its bad, is if we make the bad mistake we can’t reverse, and go “oops.”.

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