Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I honestly don’t think so, and I’ll give you an example of what I would anticipate as a response:

Interview with Ion at Blizzcon:

“So, Ion…High Elves. We know there have been ongoing requests to make them playable on the Alliance for years. What’s happening with that?”

“I’m glad you asked, Murg. I know it’s been a long time coming, and we really appreciate the enthusiasm of the people making that request, but we’re not going to do it. Playable High Elves on the Alliance is just not going to happen.”

I’ll bet real money that within 10 minutes of that being broadcast, we would see this on the forums:

What he said doesn’t matter! The next person in charge could change that decision their first day on the job! FIRE ION!!

There is no good reason for them, from their point of view, to ever declaratively say “no”. It buys them nothing, it may cost them a few subs, and many people in-game or on the forums wouldn’t buy it as a final answer anyway.


RIFT has removed there factions.

Here on WoW, we’re asking for the group that is in the Alliance.

What you are requesting is blood elves to be neutral and pick their faction. Its not a good idea.

Blizz thought it’d be cool I suppose. And I mean aside from coming outa left field and being kinda forced feeling. I see where they were coming from.

Personally if I’d been on the story team for Void Elves I would have started with Alleria gathering all the remaining High elven populations together and had them encounter a neat void container and BOOM trap card activates and Alleria the only already Void Elf and the Hero do their thing.

What people are requesting is for the group that is already in Alliance. We’re not asking for those who renamed to Blood Elves to be playable on the Alliance.

IMO, a better scenario would be for the high elves to be subject to an attack due to Alleria being a void elf. In her incredible guilt, she takes them under her wing.

You’re misunderstanding Sara.
It does not matter the lore reasons.
What matters is the design reasons. Design wise, it turns blood elves neutral.

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Yes i do realize this. The difference is that the Void Elves are set up as a traitorous group of Blood Elves that are really separating themselves from everything to join the “void” for a lack of a better way of putting it, they are leaving the purity of what it means to be a High Elf as opposed to what Blood Elves and the Silver Covenant are.

In addition, in lore there are AT MOST 2-3 dozen beings that are Void Elves in TOTAL. Furthermore Blizzard couldn’t even be bothered making Alleria a Void Elf she still uses the freaking High Elf customization options.

The Silver Covenant was already all over the Alliance and has been for almost the entirety of the game. Their leader is heavily involved in the Alliance Leadership and it would have made IMMENSELY more sense for Vareesa and Alleria to lead the Silver Covenant into the Alliance then to say the Alliance gained these nice pretty art assets over here WHICH by the way have done nothing almost all of BfA in an expansion about the N’Zoth and the void.

An Anti’s only reason to why.

If you’re afraid of the precious model, then how about we make the High Elves in Alliance look more human like then. Give then the features of a High Elf, but use the Human Skeleton and structure?

That’d work too, and might even work better. I was trying to get as close to what they had for current Void Elves while making it about High Elves.

The how isn’t the big issue its the elf being used to make them and making sure there is no reason for regular High Elves to be a thing after. Ending it once and for all. If ALL high elves are Void Elves then its just Void and Blood. Finished. :stuck_out_tongue:

Right? I mean, they could have kinda make it her “fault” in the sense the High Elves are targeted because of her. Imagine, Vereesa organizes a huge welcoming ceremony for what is ostensibly the greatest High Elf hero of the Alliance in maybe a place that wasn’t the safest from void incursions, and High Elves from everywhere come…

And then they are attacked by the Ethereals, who have realized the potential Elves have to become like them. Bam, Alleria has to save them, the VE’s are born, and she feels it’s her responsibility yada yada.

You could have even had Umbric as a High Elf there, interested on the Void and all so we get the idea certain elements of the high Elves were already dabbling on it.

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Then they are half elves. Calling them high elves would be inaccurate.

Nightborne were set up to be traitorous to the night elves in spite of the kin ship they had with them. Just a the void elves were traitorous despite the kinship they had with the night elves. It is equal in it parity.
Let alone that the blood elves had history with the alliance, and not all of them agreed with joining the Horde. Nightborne had no such thing.
You’re simply looking for a reason to be upset, there isn’t a reason to be.

Its the only reason that matters. Lore never mattered to Blizzard for gameplay and it shouldnt.

I’ve been over this, maybe when I am in a better mood I’ll explain the issues with it.


But you’re only claiming theories without actual facts. “Oh, it will hurt the Blood Elves” or “People only want it for the model”.

Have anything to back up your counter that it won’t hurt Blood Elves?

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The point is that the model is just a representation of the ideal of a group and High Elves could have a different model without the need for a biological explanation. The biggest change of the NB model is the stance, and stance is entirely behavioral.

It would make sense of High Elves more assimilated into human culture to behave more like humans -thus a human like stance-


Have you any proof it will?

My point of that comment was if people are so worried about the models, then alter there models to be slightly different.

Nope, it’s a concern. But I’m not the one acting like just because we don’t know for a fact that it will do something that that means that it can’t do that.

No it’s not. The reason the Nightborne went to the Horde was because Tyrande was rude to Thalyssra. She was not nice to her, oh noes. That is the flimsy writing that happened.

Never mind that there family ties that would still exist between the groups or friendships that would still exist as long lived as the Night Elves are to begin with…Blizzard just tossed that all out because Tyrande was rude to the Nightborne “leader”.

There is no parity in handing the Horde Night Elves while handing the Alliance Void Elves, they aren’t even close.

EXACTLY, that is why the Silver Covenant EXIST.

Well the Nightborne pretty much had no problem with burning Teldrassil down so i guess Thalyssra chose right for her people.

Yes, that’s it, im all about the fake rage…after 15 years of saying the same things about High Elves and the Alliance.

We are done now, moving along to people who don’t minimize things. Just waiting for you to tell me i’m lying like in the other thread.

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Nightborne where hardly set up to be traitorous lol. The game doesn’t treat them like that at all.