Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Murg is the one of the best forum posters, and it isn’t because of the gif’s that he has, but it is because of how he uses the gifs. I like him.


Ok Avarie.

/dips her head in shame.

They’re always an amusing addition to posts. My favorite was the one he used on me when I somehow thought he was a Nightborne. lol


Man, I still can’t get over the fact that went we post saying the Andiun slapped Wrathion, he post that one gif he made.

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We can say all we want that NE and NB are “separated by 10k” years, but when their models are the same, just slightly tweaked with a different idle stance, it’s just very flimsy; specially when they basically use a lot of themes that were part of NE history and a lot of NE players wanted as a playable flavor.

Doesn’t change the existence of the discussion itself to. Doesn’t change the fact that both you and I are still here arguing about it.

I do wanna ask, if you think they can just ignore it, why can’t you?




If I were you, I’d just respond with, “Uh, outposts, plural?!?1!?!??!?!?!?!”.

Thankfully, I’m not. I’ll just choose to ignore your attempt at reverse-engineering a completely erroneous statement into something remotely sensible.



Oh, I see! You didn’t make completely erroneous statements, or attempt to downplay said statements by shifting the focus of the discussion, because you’re simply ill-informed about the subject matter.

No, you had a 10-post plan to teach someone a lesson about what they apparently do… by doing it yourself. Definitely!

:laughing: :joy: :laughing: :joy: :laughing: :joy: :laughing: :joy: :laughing: :joy: :laughing: :joy: :laughing: :joy: :laughing: :joy: :laughing: :joy: :laughing: :joy:


No doubt they were aware.
Doesn’t mean it matters in the long run.

It bears repeating:


Most likely, but doesn’t change the fact that the discussion, as pointless as it is, will continue. And for every person that keeps asking for High Elves, there will also be people ready to say how they won’t work. And so forth and so on


Ah…you beat me to it and did it better.

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And I was expecting bears… :thinking:

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It has worked well for them so far. Think about it. Anytime they feel any pressure they throw a platitude. Ion has been the most direct about it, and in his view, high elves are too similar to be worth implementing.

One could ask the same of you. If you know they are ignoring you, why continue? Of course, I believe it is a simple thing as to be heard.

I didn’t read anything you wrote beyond here.

You need to have the fist land more slowly.

There would have been less threads about High Elves. Maybe we would be discussing other things. I wonder what.

I think I’d be “Accept that the High Elves are Void Elves and all you guys wanted was to be a pretty blond elves you don’t care about the actual lore hissssssss” or maybe I’d be “It really doesn’t make sense that VE’s are blue but I get it, they wanted them to look different sigh”

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Its mostly a PR thing. They don’t want to be outright screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

It doesn’t benefit them.

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I don’t care about the Blood elf population as it will always be enough for story purposes. I can see how changing High Elves from scattered groups of individuals into a population that will appear huge based on the people rolling one will effect the Blood Elf story

Like if your answer to “we think giving the alliance a direct copy of our most popular race” is just “stop being greedy, I’ve decided it can’t effect you” is just ignoring the other side. Much like pretending that not getting exactly what you want is Blizzard ignoring the requests of the player base as opposed to balancing competing desires.

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And as long we disagree with him, we will continue with the request for High Elves to be addressed on a meaningful way :man_shrugging:

Because I hope someday they change their mind.

Are you afraid they might?

And I promise…


I have to wonder if there is any way they can clearly say ‘no’ to the helfer request that would actually stop the asking.

Truly a Danse Macabre

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