Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Then they should have been pretty aware that people would still ask for High Elves if they failed to give us a meaningful compromise.

Now if you think that the hasty introduction of the VE is empirically better than making them out of already established High Elves, I don’t know what to tell you.

And they have failed to addressed in a meaningful way and we haven’t gotten anything. So, might as well keep asking until all the High Elves are killed off or something.

sigh I really should save my “Why expanding the population of High Elves could negatively affect how the Blood Elves are portrayed in the lore” explanation as a text file.

By keeping it to self-exiled blood elves they avoid the potential negative effects for the blood elf story.

and if it’s that important, get an rp add on and make it clear you’ve got a special void elf. And this isn’t sarcastic or dismissive. I just feel that the important parts of a race or AR are the ones that the game engine and art team provide, and that the player has the power over the story of their own character.

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I think they are absolutely aware. It’s also not materially affecting their bottom line (if that was not the case, if there a demonstrable demand for them so great that it would outweigh any objections or fallout, then it would have already happened), there is opposition to it that is every bit as strident as the requests for it, and - poor writing/implementation of them notwithstanding - they can reasonably say that Void Elves were their compromise solution.

On this one, unlike “we’re removing flying” where the player community pushback was almost entirely unified and the forums were going up in flames, there is not a unified position in the player base and they are in a Kobayashi Maru scenario. Nothing they do, if they act, will be without some group of the player base being pissed so it’s likely that “Yeah no, we’re just going to let this one sit the way it is.” is an internal decision.

This doesn’t work when we can see post history.

Clearly, this was in reference to the high elf outposts where those high elves had willingly placed themselves away from Quel’thalas. Not the Quel’lithien high elves who were forced out of Quel’thalas, and as such, are not within the group that voluntarily left.

Of which I can agree.

This also doesn’t work when we can see post history.

Who started the semantics matter?
Hence, my point about outposts. To point out the frivolousness of your behavior. Rather than understand this, you took it to accuse me of believing the hypocrisy that you yourself spew. I understand you are so prideful acknowledgement of this error would burn your cheeks, but hopefully with this direct addressing of the issue you will get the point.

Continue clutching your pearls. :wink:
When you begin trying to discuss things, we’ll talk, I’ll hand you the last word so you giggle to yourself on your lack of wit.

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Which is kinda super baloney since Void Elves took even more population away from the Blood Elves so I already told you it makes little sense.

Making the already existent high elves playable -be it as VE or something else- doesn’t impact BE population at all, it doesn’t even expand that HE population, it just makes them playable.

But somehow taking away even more BE population to make VE’s didn’t impact the population??

I get that, but if your answer for “we’d like this content in the game” and your answer is “well make it yourself” you are missing the point.


Ok, can I give you a hug then? :hugs:

/hides a giant pair of scissors behind her back

If you stop there…and don’t add “oh and they need aesthetic options that make them look really close to non-GMO Thalassians” into the mix…I would bet you the support for it would be nearly universal.

If it stopped there. Because if it’s an end run around the issue by saying “Sure, we’ll accept High Elves becoming void elves but they need to look like High Elves” then you’re going to get the same opposition to that as to making the faction playable unaltered.


And thus the incessant discussions about High Elves will continue as long as nothing changes, at infinity :man_shrugging:

It has been 15 years, not doing something about it will not make it go away, and nothing has been done about it, so it will just… keep going.

Void Elves could have been a solution to the HE issue, one that absolutely not everyone would have been on board, but at least the discussion would not be between anti and pro high elves, it would be on HE players either in favor or against their void development.


Keep the facial hair, Murg. It’s glorious.



Oh you’re a tricky one…

/throws the scissors away.

Ok, how about now?

Where do you get these!?

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They can, however, just ignore it. It worked for thems o far.

I think what bothers me most is the disconnect between doing this WHILE at the SAME TIME giving the Horde Night Elves and justifying it.

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I have said multiple time that while I’d sure like more human like options for VE, they were never a make it or break it position for me.

And a lot of people have been saying that since VE’s were introduced “just make the VE’s from HE’s Blizzard” but it didn’t matter at all.


He keeps an entire folder of them on his computer.

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I’ve seen him pull them out for situations that should never come up… but he has them. lol


And really, I don’t think anyone at Blizzard cares if one or two megathreads populated by us on the subject were still going strong the day the last server goes offline. It’s not like flying, as I said, and the existence of these threads isn’t causing anyone at Bliz to lose any sleep.

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If I can’t find the one I want, I just make them. :slight_smile:


Leave Murgy’s beard alone. :cry:

Also I want to apologize for last night to everyone. I’d rather not leave on bad terms.