Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I’m always so wary of people that pretend to know what others want :roll_eyes:

And while I would like more human like options on Void Elves, they have never been make it or break it for me. All I truly want for Void Elves is white hair cosmetically speaking.


Oh look, Fyorsing is willfully ignoring the point of someone’s post so she can argue in bad faith.
I get you’re upset that I jabbed a hole in your belief that several groups of high elves feel abandoned, but its not a big deal. Just because you’re wrong and everyone sees it and recognizes it, doesn’t mean you should flex your pseudo-intellectualism.

Its just bad taste.

I would be fine with void elves and nightborne getting more options, so long as those options don’t make them look any closer to their respective parent races.


It’s like they thought that people only wanted High Elves for the model, and it has been pretty clear that a lot of people wanted them for the lore. And Blizz really failed to realize that and they screwed a good chance of giving HE’s that development after spending years using them time and time again.


I don’t believe that is the case Talendrion. The way the devs have to look at the game is different from players.
Would it be nice to play a high elf? Yes.
Will they let you? No. Simply because they made the blood elves and they don’t want to risk double dipping.

Or maybe that they felt they had to balance the demand for the high elves with the demand that blood elf players got to retain some exclusivity on their race and came up with something that tried to meet halfway between the two?

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Honestly blizz completely borked player nightborne. The npcs and main lore nightbourne look great. Players just come off as half baked and derpy nelfs.

They have the best overall heritage armor though.

I like the blood elf heritage armor more than thenightborne version

Except the best halfway would have been to give belfs blue eye options just how they got gold eye options. Blizz could easily give both sides what they want.

Then players could freely choose.

I don’t think anyone really is for not giving AR more options, that would be undeniably selfish.

And to be honest I don’t really care if more cosmetic options make them look more like their parent races. Void and Blood Elven DK’s now just look like different cosmetic options already.

If Void Elves got more human like tones, I would expect them to be more de-saturated or slightly pinkish/purple, so you know they are a bit “off”

And that’s your opinion. My whole point is if Void Elves were made out of High Elves, even when they looked the same, we would have had far less discussions.

The devs just don’t seem to understand why a lot of people wanted playable High Elves, and that specific background remains unplayable, and that is simply facts.

You want to play a Thalassian Elf that was always loyal to the alliance? No, that fantasy does not exist. You can either be a Horde Thalassian Elf or a Horde Thalassian Elf that got Exiled and then Rejoined the Alliance.

That’s it.


I was actually kind of expecting to see the Blood Elves Heritage look something like the guards stand guarding near the entrance to the Sunfury Spire.


Awww, please :wink:

  • You asserted there weren’t any High Elves that were abandoned, or could feasibly feel abandoned

  • I asserted that there was, and went on to explain why the HE’s at Quel’Lithien might feel that way.

  • You then ignored this, and broke it down to a semantical argument by quoting my use of “outposts” instead of “outpost”.

You’re doing what you accuse others of doing, deflecting away from the original point by hyperfocusing on semantics and nitpicking over ultraspecific elements that are unrelated to the original assertion (which, ironically, you yourself erroneously made).

I’m sorry the embarrassment is burning your cheeks, but you’re going to have to deal. :man_shrugging:


I like the belf heritage helm, belt, shoulders, and hands. The rest is ugly or works with nothing else.

Looking at the art the model is based off. They really censored it down.

Even the velf heritage armor most of it is nice. But when compared to the source art and promotional pics. The ingame armor was censored.

How can they not understand after people have been screaming at them for the past 15 years about it? Let alone many times, they specifically state why they chose void elves over high elves. That isn’t ignoring your request, it is simply noting what you find as good justification for high elves isn’t in line with what they feel doesn’t justify them.

It’s pretty clear that they’v acknowledged it given the statements by the devs about the high elf lore and acknowledging the desire

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Eh, I’m just saying that’s what it seems like the goal was, to give Alliance the model while not just giving them alliance blood elves outright. I’m just kinda getting sick of the continuing harping on the idea that not giving them what they want is ignoring the players, when instead it came about by listening to more players than just the ones wanting those elves.

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Tell me how does affect my point about the issue being the lore background of Void Elves? The point is that VE’s could have looked the exact same and the discussion would be completely different now if their background was Alliance High Elf instead of Exiled Horde Blood Elf.

Sure some people still would like to look more like a HE, I would too, but otherwise the lore issue would be mostly satisfied and if it only came down to cosmetics it would be a very small issue.



:sob: :sob: