Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I respectfully disagree, Some felt their duty ,those left behind felt abandoned, Some didn’t agree to sucking life out living creatures, some due to joining horde, so there was other reasons.

Exactly, Valarian…that’s the perceptual lens you see those actions through. That’s your opinion of their actions. Mine’s different. :slight_smile:

Again i respectfully disagree,
Not my opinion , its in the stories/lore written by Blizzard, Ill leave it at I agree to disagree.

That’s all well and good, but it’s still cowardly. The whole concept is of something external fighting and taking out your enemy from afar so he never has a chance at you. It’s not a fight or a competition. If it’s war with a good reason to not want our people dying against terrorists, etc., that’s one thing entirely, but even a duel with guns seems like two people who don’t actually want to fight each other calling in some external savior.

Again, you keep talking about “why” and I keep talking about how it looked…to me. I know the lore gives them a sop for what should be a massively guilty collective conscience over abandoning their own people to their fate.

“I didn’t go help rebuild because…(insert handy justification here)”

“Yes, but you know what, you still refused to help when you could have.”

You can say I’m wrong until the proverbial cows come home, amigo. Their actions, as written, were to me the actions of traitors who betrayed their kind. We’re simply never going to agree on that; you think it’s justifiable, I don’t.

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In the context of the game we are not talking about bar fights, Jalus. It is war, it is life and death. If I don’t kill GenericBaddie7543™ it’s going to kill me. And I’m an idiot if I don’t use every tool at my disposal. As one of my DIs said, early in my time on Parris Island, “It’s not your job to die for your country, it’s your job to help the other guy die for his.” Of course, he said it far more colorfully than I can here. :wink:

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True, I guess I’m saying I hate ranged in PvP. Good thing I’m a DK.

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It’s a nice map… but I hope we stay In The center after shadowlands… just my opinion.

But agreed with the warlock void/shadow tank

It’s also possible to agree, and disagree, with both of your assertions – depending on the lens you’re choosing to look through. If we’re considering the period from the conclusion of the Second War through the conclusion of the Third War, depending on which lens you’re looking through HE’s and BE’s could both be considered traitors.

A great many BE’s might consider refusing to fight for Quel’thalas to be the actions of a traitor; similarly, a great many HE’s might consider aligning with the Horde to be the actions of a traitor.

(Though, how the how Void Elves somehow earned the privilege of being called traitors remains a mystery. :man_shrugging:)

my guess would be when they showed up at the battle of lordaeron and fought the horde. this is the difference between the SC, who were absent from the fourth war, and the void elves. one is firmly aligned within the alliance the other is bound by the neutrality of dalaran

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We were having a friendly discussion is all. :+1:

On A comment I had made,


By definition a traitor is someone who is publicly aligned with your organization (or kingdom, in this case), but who is discovered to be working for your enemy – but Lor’themar exiled all of the Void Elves, long before they ever raised a hand against him (or, more specifically, the Horde).

It’s somewhat silly to call them traitors, when they were publicly disinherited in the first place. Maybe he isn’t being literal when he uses the term, though?


Eye of the Beholder I would say, or point of view one has which Murg was explaining to me also.

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Exactly, as I’ve been saying. Much of this debate hinges on the lens through which we view it. :slight_smile:


The high elves? They weren’t abandoned.

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I suppose it depends on which groups we’re talking about – because some of the residents of the frontier outposts would vehemently disagree.

That being said, and this is just my personal opinion, those groups are among the least interesting groups of Thalassian in the entire game – by all means, reintegrate those into Quel’thalas. :laughing:

How were they abandoned? They literally went out there themselves.

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Well that’s a fantasy.

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It is safe to say just because you didn’t see it in a game it isn’t true,

thus my point made. The alliance high elves will never rejoin the blood elves.