Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I haven’t seriously considered how the VE’s might go about creating more of themselves, or why HE’s or BE’s would willingly elect to undergo whatever that process might look like, until very recently.

The notion of the HE’s willingly choosing to integrate into the Void Elves ranks, because it offers them a unique opportunity to permanently satiate their addiction, seems like it could provide for some interesting narrative progression – especially as the Blood Elves are experiencing the equal, but opposite, result of leaning into the Light.

As far as the specifics of the ritual, basically anything that turns someone into a Void Elf is fine by me. :smiley:

You are correct on that Sara! :+1:

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Blizz realy can’t fully fix the inbalance. Depending on servers and peoples tastes/goals certain faction inbalances will persist.

At best sharding actually balancing numbers would help wpvp but not fix pve progression numbers.

They can try to get more prople to go ally by having fan favotite races but that doesn’t garuntee a fix.

As for wm. Lets be real it’s a straight bribe. One which has little value for most. The average player is not falgged 24/7 because +% to nothing is still nothing.

At best if you are not raiding the kill x bribe quest takes an hr to do once a week. Then wm goes right back off.

My thoughts on wm?

Scrap sharding, wm, all perks/bribes related to flagging, and make all servers pve with the old pvp toggle.

If you flag its a free for all. No allies, no grouping, no pve anything, you are there to pvp everyone. Problem solved no more population issue. Just one giant cluster of death for all.

Well personally I would be all for the Dark Naaru process followed by The Illidan Protocol™ to dispose of what’s left of the Naaru. Hey Illidan, are you prepared?


When it comes to players vs canon reality, I consider players to be their sole existence in the RPG world of Warcraft. By that, I mean this:

Taking Bretherezen as an example here, I, as the PC, playing Bretherezen, find that Bretherezen is the only current Champion of Azeroth in the current story. This means that there is no other person, save the NPCs, that are at my level of prowess on the battlefield, help as much as I do, go out of their way as I do, etc. I save the day; I lead the raids in to foreign territory; I seize the lumbermills, blacksmiths, destroy the fortifications etc inside of battlegrounds (even though they hold no lore significance at all); I am the one who confronted Deathwing, and so many other things.

Every other PC in regards to my character, Bretherezen, are roaming adventurers that aren’t even on my level. They are the essential rank of peon, foot soldier, magic caster in the military, so on and so forth. They hold no special rank. They have no dedicated service medals, blah blah (except for when it came to WotLK, and there was specifically Raids intended to find the most dedicated, martial prowess heightened honey badgers imagineable in order to raid Icecrown Citadel with. This is like… The SOLE exception to allllllllllll of the aforementioned points.)

Bretherezen is it. World of Warcraft is perceived from his eyes; It is his story, as one who treads the very Earth, and is seemingly, somehow, always–always–at the center of every major recent catastrophe to befall Azeroth.

That, at least, is how I see the playerbase being. They’re irrelevant canonically. Only your character matters, story-wise. Everybody else, every other player, is just party-filler (Except for, you know, that one exception I mentioned.)

Jeez… Thanks Murg. I choked on instant noodles :sob:

You’re gif got me good.

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Simply being able to wield the Void as Alleria did pre Dark Naruu consumption would even work. Seems rather simple I know, but maybe the non-purists want to learn more of their Hero’s (Alleria) new found abilities. No transformation required.

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I really prefer Hypers Half Elf suggestion with different customizations akin to new human customizations. I don’t really want to see Void Elves infringed upon as I like them as they are but I wouldn’t be mad if that’s what ends up happening just my opinion on that.

Yvera Dawnwing. There’s the “fact” of an Alliance high elf as a portal trainer standing next to the Darkshore and Arathi portals in Boralus.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Well said OP


Just got done reading :

Lor’themar Theron:
In the Shadow of the Sun

By Sarah Pine

Is this what people want to see for high elf Alliance?

wow zamimg com/uploads/screenshots/normal/805655-yvera-dawnwing.jpg

Why not? Is it going to hurt the Alliance? No.

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They could just loosen up on void elves, allowing normal skin color and blue eyes, and the hairstyle, and the hair color, and like it because they did it in-game for her. That would be my argument – that they destroyed their own argument by putting her in. Even if she were a dragon, she’s obviously choosing the look that I think at least the high elf female players would want. I mean, she’s beautiful.

They are all beautiful. It is a beautiful world. I did say the possible solution with Void Elves to High Elves actually:

I’m just sitting here imagining the scene.

A very typical looking High Elf (i.e. Vereesa or Auric, someone notable) approaching a ritual area, nervous but willingly, who abruptly gets picked up and suffused by the Void. As the energy dissipates, the individual descends to the ground – and as their feet hit the ground, their knees buckle and they fall to their knees.

They lift their now Void-infused hands to cover their ears, as if they’re hearing a cacophony of sounds (they are, whispers, which we can hear as the player) – Alleria and Umbric approach, their hands glowing with the energies of the Void, and places their hands on the new Void Elves’ shoulder. They hit us with a cheesy one-liner, the whispers subside, the new Void Elf rises triumphant.

If it wasn’t an in-game cutscene, and was just NPC dialogue and NPC events that we can watch in Telogrus, that couldn’t be too much work – especially when the payoff would be huge (at least a 75% reduction in High Elf threads, to start).

Then I apologize that I missed it. You have the fact that they opened up Blood Elves eventually in your favor – they used to be limited to green, creepy eyes. I like the blue, myself. A lot. The hair, everything she just looks amazing.

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Can you add the part where the new Void Elf flips their hair and gets hit in the face by one of their new tentacles and looks at it in shock? :wink:


Oh no, I have that problem with my own hair where it just slaps me in the face when I flip it around

Well, actually, when I decide to spin my ahead around to be exact.

The blood elves were tricked and assaulted, and changed, before Alleria could intervene. That said, they LEVEL of change should be different, or potentially so, so that you could imagine a Silvermoon elf LATER deciding to do some dabbling in the void as well, and they’d have to switch sides but would still look the same. That is, after all, what “player agency” is all about. Until my orc can go Alliance, though, player agency is a joke in WoW because necessarily everyone – but pandas – is forced to be a racist, frankly.