Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

So cool, all high elves will be permanently stuck in warmode if they get made?

oh your flowers look nice too. i wasnt sure the black ones would because that typically means they’re dead.

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Um… Can you actually explain how you came to this conclusion?

It doesn’t affect me one iota in any fashion whatsoever unless PvP is the question, that’s why. Why do I care how many blue characters are somewhere I’ll never see them?

It’s a participation by choice problem alliance players need to fix.
Alliance getting high elves isn’t going to effect that.


I’m good with this - now all we need is to line up every Naaru we can find, get a Void Lord to corrupt them, and then have Alleria and Locus Walker lead the High Elves through the process of draining them dry and killing them. That or convince Durzaan to do the same transformation he tried on Umbric’s Merry Band and trust him to stop it where we stopped him last time. :wink:

Seriously though - instead of that I would bring in a small army of Warlocks to corral big Void mini-bosses (let’s leave the Void Lords out of this please) and do it to them instead.

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Alliance has high elves. They’re void elves.

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They’ll pull lore out of their backsides for anything they want to do so that’s not the reason.

The reason is: Ion doesn’t want to do it because he’s a child in a man’s body who can’t tell that his WoW faction doesn’t exist IRL.

I don’t understand where you’re going with this. I was asking someone else what imbalance he was referring to.

Agreed and roll in the shadowlands skin/hair/face options of africans and asians too. we’ll be the first mmo with african and asian elves i think. hehe

Huh. According to Broflake the other day, Void Elves are a completely different race, which means they are not High Elves, and the Alliance does not have High Elves.

Whoops. Fixed my error.

That’s only true if you’re ignorant. Do the void elf questline. They left their homes in Silvermoon.

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Oh…ok…hope everyone is paying attention to this.
Obviously this is the entire problem.

And I thought Male Human Paladins are bad…

This isn’t your high elf spam thread, this thread is to inform people why those threads are nonsensical. “No you’re never gonna get it. Never, never gonna get it! Never, never gonna get it.”

Once again, this is a thread based mostly on opinions, not facts.

Try again.

What’s funny is these geniuses don’t even use the main reason to throw in Blizzard’s face that there is evidently one high elf in the Alliance because one stands next to the Darkshore and Arathi portals in Boralus. Sorry that none of you know how to argue your case.

It is. There is no reason to fight their customers as long as they have been over this. Ion just wants all playable High Elves in the Horde and that’s how it is.

Lore doesn’t matter to them and model similarities went out the window when they started turning the Horde races into “humans but different.”

Guess what. Neither do you.