Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

No one steals our thunder.

Don’t be ticked by their prideful and haughty demeanor. They don’t own everything. :smiley:

ill cut you down if you play forest troll priest

Good luck with that, I’m a massive coward and have that sick Mag’har mount speed bonus.

Watch out.

Yeah I don’t consider myself an AU orc, and don’t get me wrong I like Zandy trolls. I just think forest trolls look cooler☺

forest trolls and blood elves have really bad blood. not gonna lie was hoping that wouldnt be an option for generic troll :zipper_mouth_face:

Ey, the Raventusk been serving with us for longer than you Blood Elves. You leave em be now. Kill the Amani who want ya dead.

Amani dechuka, homeslice.

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vengence for zul’jin

on note, i hope we get dragonmaw skin for orcs


Blackrock skin or bust, my man.


They seem to be going all out on customization, dragon maw and black rock is probably a guarantee!

the problem is i don’t know if they remember then

I reckon they’ll add them. They’re just too good a plot hook if they ever want to do anything with dragons.

A few dragon themed tattoos for the dragon maw maybe?

Weren’t there other Forest troll groups aside from Amani?

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Interestingly, both the Sunreaver and Silver Covenant Argent Tournament NPC’s have been added to the Alpha, so it seems that we will pass by the grounds in our way to the Shadowlands (It seems all the Tournament Grounds NPC’s have been added actually)

Yah, the Revantusk in the Hinterlands, and they are already Horde.

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The main thing I’m taking away from Blizzard’s decision to add Blue eyes to blood elves, or Wildhammer tattoos to Dwarves is their goal to accommodate players who wish for more variety and say in their character’s history, and background. They were careful to mention that the implications of these new options were not against the narrative, and that regardless of what quest-text says they felt it was important to reflect these possibilities for players with visual cosmetics.

It’s Blizzard essentially saying “Hey, I know your quest text says you’re a Bronzebeard Dwarf, but if you’d prefer to be another variation of a dwarf you might find on the Alliance, here’s some Wildhammer tattoos” or “Hey, here’s how other Dwarves from different clans look.”

This extends to High elves as well, that with the choices for Blue eyes a player could decide that their elf is a High elf who has repatriated back to Quel’thalas. This, to me at least, feels like a very deliberate message that it’s not unreasonable for high elves to return to Silvermoon, or be found on the Horde.


wowhead guy at it again. he just finished orcs. here come the gnomes

It’s the most natural outcome. Blood elves are the largest body of high elves by far and control the ancestral lands/etc. Lor’themar is interested in allowing people back and like you said with Auric, considers them all children of Silvermoon.

Seems to be the natural fit to let us show who we were, are, and will be.


Of course, it’s also a possible explanation as to why blue eyed blood elves kept cropping up among the Sunreavers in Dalaran. From the Frosthand Mages, to the Sunreaver Captains, and even Lanesh the Steelweaver who Danuser himself acknowledged as canon all belong to the Sunreavers. Is it a coincidence that the only group of Blood elves to have blue eyes are stationed in a city of Blue eyed high elves.

My original theory that these were High elves who returned to the Blood elves feels even more compelling now.