Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Alleria ate a dark naaru.
Void elves were transformed partially be a void prince.
biggest difference in why they look so different.

If looks is what matters, why is rolling a blood elf not enough?


Well, I would love to see any solution addaptive that can work that will make it work. I am more satisfied with any possible solution, after all, I am not picky.


just because people also want High Elves, doesn’t mean it has to look like the Blood Elves as well. If the Warcraft universe was of something of the real world, I am pretty sure the same physics would apply. Virtually, something of “No two persons are the same”. Now, if people are unhappy about the models, then alter there models a bit. Hell, just give them the human models and skeletons and just give them pointy ears and long eye brows. Hell, I would be happy with that. And they would still be different enough. Me, I rather play the race for the lore, not the looks. I don’t care if they don’t look like the Blood Elves or what ever.

Probably will happen, but they said allied races aren’t getting new customizations in SL, i don’t want to wait years to be a high elf :frowning:

WoW is a video game, not real life. The limited design of each race is an important part of what makes each race a race. I disagree on that view as it ignores what makes WoW, WoW.

Go for half elves. best idea.

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“if”. I said “If”.

I would go for any solution, which ever is better and more addaptive, to the point that we all can agree on.

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I know. But the toggle would be the easiest solution to the mechanics of the game.

Look at some of my other posts. Both sides could have high elfs by simply having a better character creator. And you could always say lore wise. Alleria trained other high elves like herself.

To get around the difference between her and the velfs.

THat is a lot of Dark Naaru’s being drained, unless you’re torturing a Naaru until it turns dark. Not a good idea.

As I said, half elves is a real possibility.
You get purple skin with half elves.

If they wanted to keep factions more unique they shouldn’t have give night elves to the horde, now its too late. I don’t think void elves were a fair, but high elves could be.

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So…lets give the Alliance two bites of the apple, to the Horde’s one, even though it was a one to one deal with void elves and nightborne.

That…sounds the opposite of making things fair.
Its going from fair, to unfai.r.


Thank you. Very well written and I agree. All they need to do is allow Blood Elves the hairstyle and look of the portal elf standing in Boralus by the Darkshore and Arathi portals (and the same hair style, not color, for Void Elves) and be done with it. Also, the blue eyes, perhaps.

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Hybrid children are not common in the wow universe. I don’t think half elves would make feasible sense. Would sooner velfs get customization options to be high elves. And ally get a truly great allied race.

Like mogu. But there are tons more.

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Blizz could write good pandaran lore with them being on both sides but that would require writers who can make a world that isn’t just a black and white good guys punching bad guys story, which wow writers cannot swing.

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  1. There isn’t really a faction imbalance, excepting for endgame content – which is an issue that has solutions, but “blue-eyed Blood Elves on the Alliance” isn’t really a good one.

  2. If the novelty of the Alliance-aligned High Elves is as powerful as some of us believe it would be, having them adjoin themselves to the Void Elves would be a major boon to a playable race which is sorely lacking for backstory (referring to Void Elves, if that was unclear).

If we were to have a serious discussion about what it would take to convince High Elves to willingly suffuse themselves with the Void, I think the first thing Blizzard would have to do is dichotomize magic into two categories:

  • Category 1 – All magic derived from the physical universe, which exists as tangible mass (i.e. crystals, leylines, Well of Eternity, etc.). The sources of these types of magic are always corporeal matter, and it is the ambient energy from that matter which is utilized for spellwork – and when in the absence of any corporeal matter (i.e. when you’re not very near to the physical location that said energy is emanating from), ability to perform magic is severely limited.

    (This category would include things like natural elements, Arcane, and Fel.)

  • Category 2 – All magic derived from the Twisting Nether, which is ultimately drawn into the physical realm from the metaphysical realm; it isn’t naturally found in a corporeal form. These sources can’t be touched when in their natural state, and the energy isn’t radiant in nature (i.e. rather than being physical matter that is suffused by energy, it is energy manipulated to resemble physical matter).

    (Note: If someone else already went through the trouble of drawing the energy from the metaphysical realm into the physical realm, and forcing it to coalesce, then it would be tangible… but there aren’t any naturally occurring Void-riddle lakes or Light-infused waterfalls.)

If this was the official understanding (which it isn’t, or at least it hasn’t been stated to be as of this moment), this would be one way to explain why High Elves would willingly transform themselves into Void Elves.

Just as the Blood Elves have come to realize that any/all individuals who sincerely utilize the Light are effectively rewarded with a limitless supply of magical energy, the Void Elves are most likely similarly rewarded by their employment of the Void; it could quite easily be sold to the High Elves that in turning to the Void, they’d never need feel the pangs of addiction again.


What faction imbalance?

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Yeah, that seems like it would be a pretty narrowly popular race offshoot that looked largely the same as the original.

I don’t agree with Blizzard’s assertion about visually having to differentiate Horde and Alliance. It’s stupid, really. No one ever sees a person without seeing their name in red or green, so you can’t sneak up on anyone. They have a toy that lets you become an orc, and they wouldn’t do that if they were so concerned about it, and the fact that pandas went in both directions means it works just fine. It turned out only 5 percent of all WoW wanted to be a panda bear, that’s all.

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Um, the one that means I get 30 percent in war mode and you don’t, that’s the one. The one that made my life a living nightmare with Horde multiboxers owning Drustvar before there WAS a war mode bonus, while the game was unplayable. THAT faction imbalance.

Ion said they could fix it after the AH revamp. NOW IS THE TIME.

Ok lets, take a look at the problems, then lets look at the possible solutions:

High Elves
As much as I like this option, it seems to be the worse one that stirs up trouble within the forums, and adds a lot of disagreement towards one another. But the one thing some people seem to forget is that Blood Elves no longer consider themselves High Elves. And while both groups don’t have the same proirities, both groups also don’t really look at also getting a long with each other.

But the only solution is to just allow the seperate group to be playable, which once again, seems to still will cause up a lot of disagreements.

Half Elves
This could be a better compromise than High Elves, and while they are actually rare to see, still could be a better option than High Elves. But I have very little information about Half Elves, but there is also potential for a good story for them too.

Void Elves Customisations
Ok, this is probably be the best solution outright. Void Elves were saved by Alleria, either after or during there transformation (I don’t know, not much on when she saved them). But the fact is, if Alleria is training more, then there is a very possible chance for them to still obtain there normal looks too, considering she is training them of the void, and to control it. The Void Elves before they were saved had no knowledge on how to control it. Now, there is a huge possibility actually for them to actually still obtain there normal looks if new ones are being trained by Alleria.


That’s not an inbalance between factions, that’s because Alliance players aren’t choosing to enter warmode.

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Hi. The faction imbalance relates only to PvP anyway, so what is your point?