Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Well, you did announce you were doing it and encouraging others to do so…

But more, if there was an actual problem with the thread like you keep saying there is, why’d they ok it?

Is this one of those things where the issue isnt that its spam or breaking CoC, but its essentially something they disagree with?

Tarrok mate, I need a good chocolate chip biscuit recipe. You got anything?

Oh right, so because I did find this thread to be in violation of the the forums CoC, and yes, even after a thread gets locked from the flags, it is still somewhat active, it is all of a sudden, false flagging in disagreement.

Under what pretense, is this thread flagable?

These were pretty good, a bit busy though.


And with the option for more common sense units of measure

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Inb4 she just says thread duplication and nothing else.

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I look at it as one reason, but you guys just want to go ahead and call it falsely.

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With a website called “magic seasoning blends” I was expecting a specific ingredient tbh.

To be honest:

This is more flagable than OP.


And yet somehow they’re fine with Belfs, who are fewer in number than High Elves, making up the vast plurality of Horde characters in a world where Orcs breed like jackrabbits.

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[critation needed]

You said your original reason was misconstrued, so does thst mean your flag has no reason then?

I got as far as point #11. The underlying point here for most players is that BEs (a.k.a. Anime Elves) are better looking than NEs. The NE male models look like the Goons out of the old Popeye cartoons. A quick(er) solution to all of this would be to update the NE models. Give the Alliance Anime Elves too and most of the hubbub will die out except for a handful of diehard lore geeks and role players who must have their pale-skin and blue eyes on their Anime Elf.

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Its inflammatory.

There’s no thread duplication at play here. There is a locked High Elf Love Thread, where people opposed have been told by the OP of that thread that it’s about discussing the positives and options for playable high elves. This a thread to discuss why they don’t make sense. The OP of that thread has bluntly said people with opposing viewpoints (not all, but many) should just be ignored.

And here comes a perfect example:"


You do know right off the bat that doing the whole masking profanity with strategic asterisks is actionable


What is inflammatory.

We should try and focus more on refuting the original post now, rather than justifying why you may have flagged at the time. I can see why, this primer thread pops up and has been 404’d in the past, would seem reasonable.

I don’t think Guzzle himself is using this to bait or troll, he likes the discussion and is adamantly anti high elf, created a thread in void of a pro helf thread being open. Seems he feels that the anti side is not represented when we have a mega thread running.


While I disagree with your message I approve of your terminology.

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