Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

eek another high elf thread has been locked. irritating. i was just about to compliment midare on her floral wreath when, outta nowhere, the thread is locked.

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Time really is a flat circle

Wrongly flagging threads isn’t much better than flag bombing~

They will rejoin when the blood elves come back to the alliance.

I flagged this thread because all your doing is contributing to the spam. The High Elf Love thread is temporary locked. And usually during that time, and has been like this lately, there has been that break from High Elves. And all you want to do is point that blame more at the pro-helfers, and give them more hate by doing the exact same thing that people are opposed to.

Yeah, you can change spam around all you like. People complain about people not sticking to the one thread, and then all they do, is change it around.


That isnt a reason to flag. Stop using the flag function as your downvote.

I miss old forums


And pointing out someone contributing to spam is a friendly forewarning imo you were being kind to point this out.

Yeah so the mods actually cleared it and decided it wasn’t spam. So uh, no. It’s not.


Thread Dupilication.

Because they’re on Alliance Welfare.

Of what thread?

Don’t make me pull up the section that actually explains what that means again.

Not bashing anything, but anytime I see this, I think “pro-heffers”… u_u

Walks out of the thread in shame.

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Oh wait, temporary locks don’t count, because it is a fair common knowledge that people just don’t want people to have a topic about something they wish.

Then thats not thread duplificiation. And thus not flag worthy

Thread Dupilication according to the CoC means either a topic that’s already being discussed (the previous helf thread had been locked) or a topic that’s a copy of a thread from another board (it’s not).

Saying “Thread Dupilication” doesn’t mean anything. And as I pointed out the hidden op was checked and restored manually by staff.

She’s simply trying to distract from the fact that she wrongly flagged.


And as Guzzle brought it up, how does the fact that the mods have unhidden the OP and such fit into your theory?

Then that was the mods decission. But can’t just go ahead and say I wrongfully flag and is just false flagging a thread.

Your claim for why you flagged turned out to be nothing, so essentially you did false flag.

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Yes we can and yes you did.

Even some of the helfers were unimpressed. If you scroll up you can check out what they had to say.

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