Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

nightborne have distinct skin tones that cannot be mistaken for a night elf. they even have an altered model. just as the void elves have a distinct void themed skin tone distancing them from blood elves(who are the high elves)

high elf = blood elf. they are identical in looks, theme, fantasy. they come from the same place, same heritage, same everything but a political opinion but if you want to be a pale, blonde haired elf the horde awaits. as it always has. a few malcontents lurking around of an already playable race entitles you to nothing. there is nothing behind them, what you see is all there is


Maybe this case would be different, but I doubt it. The way things usually go, people freak out very vocally and quit. I know people don’t believe that other customers really do quit the game but they do, otherwise we wouldn’t see Blizzard running around like chickens with their heads cut off when their decisions bomb extra hard.

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So you’re saying a large number of people would quit if blood elves were given a customisation option that they canonically have?

I’m gonna have to press x to doubt.

if they didnt quit after blizzard gave them void elves and said a high elf = blood elf and the horde is waiting, i doubt they will quit over blood elves getting an eye color that makes sense lorewise. its a damn eye color, its a small customization :joy:


I thought the HELF’ers didn’t flag bomb posts they disagreed with.

I am confused.


If it happened without a corresponding option for Alliance, yeah. People have been carrying that torch since Warcraft launched and still haven’t let it go. I think it would be the final straw for many people because it would be a reflection of the developers’ disdain for what they want.

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Do you have hard evidence that it was specifically just Pro Helfers? I can’t blame the Antis for flag bombing the pro threads, not would I ever make such a claim.

Not exactly a fair assessment of what has happened here.


I really can’t bring myself to want High Elves in the Alliance for a few reasons:

a) We have too many darn elves already, and they have already gotten sufficient story attention. It would be nice to get some attention paid to some of the other races for awhile. If Orc fatigue was a thing by the time of WoD, I am definitely into Elf fatigue now.

b) Time for High Elves on the Alliance as a playable race has past. Pre-TBC it could have been a thing. During TBC, they could have done the neutral race thing and had Horde elves be Blood Elves and Alliance elves be High Elves, but they didn’t and the ship has now sailed.

c) Honestly, if the Alliance gets a new race, I would like something truly new and unique and not a race that aesthetically a Horde race. Frankly, now that we have the Rajani, I would rather have Alliance Mogu.

Finally, I would say that Blizzard needs to stop spending so much story attention on the Silver Covenant and Alliance High Elves. If Blizzard is serious about not making them a playable race, then stop featuring them so much within Alliance story content. All they are doing is perpetuating this unproductive discussion.

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Now this is cute.

In the pro-helf thread if anything ever gets flagged, its the antis fault. Period. If the thread gets shut down due to flags? Antis fault.

So, no. You don’t get the benefit of a doubt.

Well, except he never said it was just helfers and there is hard evidence of at least one of you doing it.

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The original purpose does not matter, it is what the purpose is now, per the mods.
Even if the mods dont say anything, thw ToS and CoC means your thread can host debates regardless of what.you desire because it is a public forum.
Let alone, I would not complain about antis coming to your thread, because you are literally here, complaining tuat you are being opposed.
Your own actions are contradictory and hypocritical.

You want privacy, but do not wish to grant it. Go to your discord if that is what you desire is an echo chamber.

its always the same isn’t it? the same lame reasons why we we shouldn’t have an iconic alliance race? lol. look at them wriggle and worm. nothing will change the fact that high elves are an ALLIANCE race.


I never pin the blame on antis when a pro thread goes down, ever.

You must be mixing me with someone else.

We already had this conversation.

And nothing saying that they aren’t.

High elves are alliance before blood elves existed, they definitely should.

Can someone please help me. I’m confused about the Nightborne arguement.
I’ve seen those who are for High Elves say the model looks exactly like the Night Elves, there’s no real differences. I’ve seen those who claim that the model is completely different, which is it?
Is the model the same? which pro helfers would claim allow an unaltered Blood Elf model with blue eyes, and a different posture, on the alliance.
Or is it different? Which pro helfers would claim allow a complete model re-haul for High Elves on the Alliance.

Sara, specifically, says in this thread that she’s flagging this thread.


i agree with everything you said but this. i have always felt people who wanted alliance high elves have invested too much into the SC. all they did was use a faction based in dalaran around veressa on occasions involving veressa and dalaran. they never appear as part of the alliance fighting the horde,(outside of jainas brief kirin tor) they always appear as representatives of the kirin tor helping with an existential threat then going back to dalaran. they only appear if dalaran is in play. youre just inflating their appearances into something more(fanficition). and they are still just a tiny group

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I mean. I never pointed at you personally to begin with.

You didn’t read the post you replied to, did you?

Sara is one outlier at the moment. I like Sara, but does not speak for all of us. I would also discourage Sara from flagging these threads.