Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

this isnt the first time a helfer has expressed this kind of desire, its very disturbing tbh. it also just exposes how ignorant of the lore helfers are. the sunwell bombards all high elves with arcane/holy energies 24/7, the potential for blood elf magister types to manifest blue eyes because of their strong devotion to the arcane(like priests/paladins with golden eyes) is there and everybody knows it

if you want to play a horde race, the horde is there and waiting

Aren’t playable, unfortunately.

I’m sure the people begging to play the High Elves that are still in the Alliance will be very happy to hear that, when for some reason those ones don’t become playable but the five Belfs who stood in an arcane pool too long suddenly become playable for Horde.

you mean the 2 in SW? the 4 they added in BFA? is there more?

and you do know the green glint was always going to fade with time, it just takes a while to wear off it was never permanent, to be replaced by traditional blue and vibrant golds?

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I’m sure the almost 25% of the entire population who plays blood elves will too.

Well, given that the OP is defending the status quo and Blizzard’s position on the subject to date; I don’t think it’s the people opposed to playable High Elves on the Alliance who are doing a Don Quixote revival. :wink:

That’s not the point. The point is giving blue eyes solely to belfs would not “end the debate” and would in fact make things worse.

If Blizzard wants to add blue-eyed Belfs they would certainly be within the lore to do so. It would just cause a sh*t storm of apocalyptic proportions if they did so and then said “okay that’s it, Helfs are now in game and that’s it forever.” Might be amusing to see but certainly not a win for Blizzard.

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If they would just give blue eyes to whom ever wanted them and more skin color options to void elves I’m pretty sure most would be happy.

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It’s impressive how you can be so absolutely wrong and yet so confident about being right. The more you know…

“The Wretched are elves (usually blood elves) that failed to control their innate addiction to magic, overindulging in arcane sources to the point of deformity and, often, insanity. Obsessed with obtaining and devouring magic, they are a danger to both themselves and others, and are usually too violent to surrender.[1]


I don’t agree, there’d be some hold outs sure. But if blue eyed blood elves were added I think the majority of people would realise the wind was taken from their sails.

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Shame this got flagged, it was an interesting read.


Did you not do Suramar? It’s patently obvious where all the mana’s coming from.

Have you gotten to the part where he starts talking to me like he’s a Dragon Ball Z villain though?

how would it not be a win? it would make people who play the most popular race in the game happy. i would rather see complaining threads(they dont last long) spammed then threads flat out asking for a horde race. all that would be left are the diehards, who are spamming these forums

blizzard did just fine. they added high elves in 2007 and gave them to the horde, simply renamed. they even added playable void corrupted high elves to the alliance. and they will do just fine again with updated customization to reflect the 8 years of being bombarded by the arcane/holy sunwell 24/7

I’d say the opposite…

Get wow back to it’s roots, weird for the sake of weird makes for lack of creativity for the origin of the story. Warcraft 1 to present, there is so much to build on without sticking tentacles or tails on everything.


I found no proove that they aren’t, but it doesn’t matter. What i’m saying is highborne shen’dralar and nightborne share the same culture, and have similar appearance, blood elves being playable shouldn’t prevent high elves from being playable.

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It’s absolutely more factual.

Chocolate causes the release of dopamines because it contains small amounts of phenylethylamine. That’s a fact. It’s a fact because it’s a scientifically verifiable reality. Cacao contains phenylethylamine, which finds its way into the refined product called chocolate.

Chocolate is good. is entirely subjective and not universally applicable…since some people don’t like it and some people are allergic to it.

I think they are trying to say that High Elves aren’t connected to the Sunwell because they decided to leave Silvermoon and shack up with Humans.

forgetting this,
The Sunwell’s power has no physical limits or boundaries. An elf bound to its energies would be so no matter how far away they went from it.[7] Its energies are available to be drawn upon from anywhere in the cosmos[23] and even alternate realities as evidenced by the Sunsworn forces on the alternate Draenor.

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Good work here and good presentation. Shame to see you flagged because of the community hating reason or anything logical.

Much love

A blood/H elf :^)


The night elf mage announcement specified that they were trainers and trainers only. As did the Horde Azshara questline.

Besides which, generally speaking you don’t have to prove something’s absence. There is nothing saying that they’re playable.

So what you’re saying is that because the Alliance have an NPC only faction who share a culture with a playable Horde faction, that high elves, an NPC only faction who share a culture with a playable Horde faction, should be made playable?

Thinking emoji.

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