Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

That’s horrible! Sometimes my predict thing thinks I want to say “playable Alliance high elves”.

It’s not a personal attack to point that someone has constantly been disingenuous, has outright lied multiple times and continues to pass of their headcanons as facts while hypocritically claiming those who disagree with them of having their own fanfiction.

This is the level of hateful bias this person projects on what they oppose so their argument feels stronger. There’s no respect to be had here, and I honestly can’t say this from anyone else on either side.

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Well what do you want? There’s not much for Tauren Cosplay available…lol

Just stop.

You clearly only read out posts.

Now I hope you’re the one making a hyperbole.

So that’s our fault?
Besides the fact that what you’re saying here isn’t even true…it’s not our fault your topic got shut down.

I dunno, I did live in Austin for a couple of years, there’s bound to be some UT stuff that could work

Is there a full moon out tonight or something? A LOT of irrational emotional stuff going on.

The mods have a one high elf thread policy and disingenuous H.E.L.F. threads intended to rope posters who don’t ordinarily participate into it really make it hard on everything else in the neighborhood. If I recall Hyperspace supported that thread.

I feel like there’s a cycle.

well didya flag my half elf thread? if so, then in your case, yep.

see if most of the antis dont mind half elves on allianc and most of the helfers dont mind the idea either (though some will still want high elves), yet i cant get a half elf thread to stick long enough to get the devs attention, i might as well be doing something else. its a complete waste of my time, and quite disheartening. how will we generate interest for a legitimately doable alliance allied elf race, if it doesnt have any visibility?

Maybe you should stop giving that type of behavior card blanche.

My point is that they can’t seem to argue on the merits of something and resort to belittling. It’s not that it causes me great distress to see my beloved silver covenant treated badly*, it’s the desperate bias of resorting to “well they are ugly and they stink” when they can’t argue anymore

*But for real, I have said for years that we could be done with the HE issue if the Silver Covenant got killed, I’m open to it if anything for the clusterF haha

There is a half elf topic up now. How about you post in that one?
I still don’t understand why you make a claim of ‘damage’ and that ‘we’ lack empathy…and then just leave it. But ok.

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You can just go away, you know, instead of posting things that are clearly against the tos.
And I’m not going to answer you again on this. I’ve made my point.

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Surely you know that’s not a normal reaction.

I don’t think Blizzard considers them to be an important plot point, though seeing how there’s a community that likes them (I certainly don’t, they come across to me as a bit condescending and racist), that community deserves some sort of closure… or at least clarity.

Oh come on! How much clearer could I have made the sarcasm than bolding it, adding the asterisk and then actually saying my point… which you actually replied to?

But yes, I agree, resolution at the end of the day is the most important. Hence why I am open to scenarios such as.

-The SC get’s voided
-The SC is revealed to actually be comprised of several Half Elves already
-The SC get’s nuked to kingdom come, but like, in a cool way. Which could be legitimately fun :smiley:

Let the SC and the rest of the alliance high elves join the void elves in a scenario.

Make it blood elves and the superior void elves.

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I don’t know, I was just talking to Hyperspace and Valarian earlier. It can be hard to tell.

For the record I like Hyperspace, but she gets a bit too into it.

yeah this here seems most logical

aww ty. :sparkling_heart: