Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I choose the third option. :man_shrugging:

Oh, there’s no going back for me now.

Was that it?

Your big anti secret is a disproven opinion piece on population?

So we just never had a point then, did we?

How is it disproven?
If he says there are too few, then there are too few.
Ion said high elves are too similar, hence void elves.
2 negatives on two different aspects


I never saw the point or benefit of having a forum alt personally.

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Are you really going to fall back on blindly following authority?

You understand boot licking isn’t attractive yeah?

The Dev’s are allowed to be wrong, especially when they start proving themselves wrong, by doing something as simple as adding another race with the least amount of “members” in it to date.


It’s a primary source.

You’re insisting it’s fallacy just because it doesn’t support your point.


Daily reminder that arguments from authority aren’t a fallacy unless the authority is not a legitimate expert.


Nope, i’m insisting it’s a fallacy because it’s been proven wrong with facts, that thing you tend to ignore over spiting player requests :tipping_hand_man:.

I know how much you just hate evidence and want to pretend anything brought forth to you as such is biased, but it’s about time you educated yourself.

Go ahead and tell me how the evidence provided by these videos in terms of High Elf population vs Void Elf population is biased and how the same flaky population argument can be used against adding High Elves.

Daily reminded that Guzzle is correct until the authority is proven wrong in their own game and antis continue to use this tired argument as a way to pretend they’re right. :sleeping:


The people who make the game stated why they didn’t make them playable. Yeah. That’s just having to accept the truth. Its like complaining J.K. Rowling didn’t have Harry hook up with Hermione instead.

Neither is crying over high elves for 15 years.

They can be, yes, but not if they say “this is why we don’t do the thing”.

A contradiction does not invalidate why they do not release the high elves to you. Besides, ultimately, numbers don’t matter.
Considering Ion’s reasoning was “they’re too similar”, and the comments of devs saying blood elves are high elves, its clear the design issue is why they say no.


Fan fiction. Like your arguments, those videos are extremely selective in what they address. The population argument relies both on that population never changing over time and that almost the entire population is made up of combatants a player population could draw from… Something the Void Elf population is. Taking everything together there are far fewer Alliance high elves than Void Elves that could be drawn from (hence Void Elves needed to be taken from Blood Elves not the remaining exiles) for a player population. That is unless farmer, portal trainer, and vendor become a player class.


And you pretending the crack-elite squad that your overlord mentioned is bigger than any actual High Elf military force we’ve seen in the entirety of WoW, isn’t?

So yes, there are more High Elves but they’re all farmers and vendors…sure.

Here i thought we were actually gonna learn something through 10 mins of effort Heca, you prove me wrong yet again.

Again, there isn’t one. Otherwise…
That would be the Silver Covenant, who’s status is unclear.
They are however absent from the faction war.
They only show up when Dalaran does,
Which says everything.

Where does this 10% population number come from anyway?

Mmm, not at all actually, as Vereesa consistently mentions being against the Blood Elves and hoping to one day reunite them with the Alliance.

Are you actually going to delve into the shallow part of the pool Fyre lives in and pretend the Silver Covenant isn’t actively fighting for and in the Alliance in every situation they’re in?

The blue Thalassian Ballista at the gates of Orgrimmar prove you wrong.

And before you say it, which i know you will.

Yes, there aren’t any High Elf NPCs, but you can’t pretend those blue ballista came from Silvermoon and weren’t contributed to the war effort by the Silver Covenant.

That’s an object, unless you’re advocating a siege engine player race.

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I’d play a demolisher tbh.

The meat wagon mount is only the beginning.

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I’ve been wondering for a while, where did the Forsaken’s meat wagons go?

Think I’ve said all i need to to show people what your side is about. :kissing_heart:

But thanks for helping me on this journey. :tipping_hand_man: