Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

  1. The point wasn’t to speak for the fact that the Alliance all want High Elves, but that your assertion about what they would like was incorrect.
  2. An assertion which read, and I’ll quote, “nearly anything is a better option” – which, objectively, isn’t true.
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You know what I was referring.
Refrain from being obtuse Fyorsing.
I know you’re hungering for flags to aim for a thread shut down, but that is just childish.

You don’t speak for all the people who play alliance.


Only if you confuse your personal opinions for objectivity. Which you clearly do.

Let me check…

I see no indication you are speaking for some Alliance players. I’m an Alliance player and you’re wrong. Based on examples, I believe assertion is correct. I think many more would be angered than appeased.

For reference:


Apparently there’s an invisible adjective indicating an amount.

Oh and apparently her opinions are objective. :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:


Thread-goers, this is how Bro Howard began the morning discussion:

The suggestion he’s making is that I edited a post, in an attempt to conceal something from him. This is the post he’s referring to:

Notice, when you click the “Edit History” button, that I didn’t make any edits whatsoever – instead, what happened is that the quotation was removed by the system, automatically.

This is also the same poster who only hours ago, was calling upon others to, “learn how the forums work”. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Your statement was that “nearly anything is a better option” than High Elves, to which I responded “not from the perspective of Alliance players.”

It has nothing to do with how they feel about High Elves, and everything to do with there being dozens (or hundreds, if we get creative) of concepts for playable races that would be objectively worse from the lens of an Alliance player – for instance, 10,000 clones of an Alliance-aligned AU Garrosh Hellscream.

Edit: Meaning, “nearly anything is a better option” isn’t an accurate statement – there are a few things that are better, but “nearly anything” includes things like AU Azeroth Makura-Murloc hybrids.


It’s impossible to take you seriously after all the efforts you’ve made here to be super rude.


I’m going to assume that because I don’t know you, you’ve never posted anything of note. Just @ me whenever you’ve posited something more interesting that, “but, they’re the same people?” to the discussion. :man_shrugging:


Assume away…doesn’t’ bother me considering I have no respect for your opinions.

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I just don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight, knowing that a completely random and completely unknown poster that hasn’t ever posited anything noteworthy to a 15-year discussion doesn’t agree with me. :laughing:

You can go back to lurking, now.


Again, you do not speak for any Alliance player but yourself


That was a rather long winded way of saying nothing of importance. Keep baiting though, considering your comments earlier about Australians, it is rather evident the attention you should receive.


Notice no population is attached to it, I’m speaking for no one other than myself.
Yes, I expressed an opinion to which you said. To which you said:

You’re doing a very poor job of twisting things.


No future as a contortionist then?


While I do not always agree with everything you’ve or anyones said, because no one can be right all the time, I always enjoy your thorough and thought provoking points on lore that provokes an open ended discussion on a topic that is interesting to read about

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You must be reading a completely different poster than I am.


That’s Stella, she used to be a Goblin or something, and a lot ruder than she is now.

The Irony in Antis deflecting arguments by bringing up how meanie-weanie people can be :pleading_face:.

The travesty of having someone crap on your thread, it’s uncalled for, isn’t it? :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: