Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

oh for cripes sake.

No, I’m calling you out because you’re cherrypicking one line and tossing it out of context. That’s dishonest.

You spamming that video only makes it worse, really.

Just because you want to dismiss them as invalid because you don’t like them, doesn’t mean they should be dismissed or that they are invalid, you’re not the arbiter of this discussion, none of us are.

EDIT: Again, it’s your side the one obsessed with the moral purity of the High elves, not those against them.


I don’t see how people can play WC3 and beyond and imagine the Horde as “evil” unless they’re trying to paint it that way for their own use. The whole point was that they were becoming free of the demonic influence and taint, which is a big reason why they had sympathy for the plight of the high elves that renamed themselves blood elves for the sake of their fallen.

It’s just like the fact that the Alliance isn’t evil either, though they’ve had their fair share of mistakes as well.

I think it’s a reason why we see the blood elves are becoming a core part of the Horde, they’ve had that fall and redemption and it was the Horde that was there for them when others wouldn’t. That just also happens to make high elves horde since that’s what blood elves are. A simple name change doesn’t invalidate that and it’s not like they don’t live in their ancestral lands and have the culture and history of it all.


eh, was gonna dissect this but nevermind. not worth the effort.

You could just admit that you heard what you wanted to hear and move on, that’d be a good honest way to dissect it… because that’s exactly what happened.

Everything you refuse to listen to it’s right there in the video.

i’m not trying to paint it that way. its what the devs said in the video. it wasnt even the main point of the discussion. the main point was, midare said the alliance high elves were the bad ones, and i pointed out that if this is true, then them being goody two shoes elves, could be removed from the list of reasons alliance shouldnt have high elves.

i did listen to it, and took the part relevant to this convo. i’d say you’re the one not listening because you’re shadowboxing ghosts from other convos you’ve had apparently

the video refers to TBC blood elves(who are the high elves) pre sunwell restoration hyper

There’s a difference between taking a whole estament, including its context, which would make it relevant to a conversation… and picking literally a single line, remove all context, and pretend it applies.

You did the latter.

And now you’re trying to deflect… why am I not surprised. :roll_eyes:

oh my gosh, awz you know better than to post something that obvious. i even typed out the freakin name of it… the making of the burning crusade. this is the point, follow along, erase other convos from your mind for a moment:

midare said alliance high elves are bad guys.
i said, well if thats true, then the excuse that alliance high elves are goody two shoes and would make the alliance insufferably self-righteous if they were playable, is no longer applicable.
she apparently didnt realize the devs had actually given people the impression that the alliance were a bunch of insufferably self-righteous people and the horde were kinda cursed on the inside. which is a direct quote. i proved it. she accused me of cherrypicking and people started wailing and gnashing teeth over it.

but then we always seem to forget about the void corrupted high elves who have recently joined the alliance who kind of fill this niche. while playable alliance high elves would compound the problem pandaren started with distinct factions. oh, and because the blood elves ARE the traditional high elves now. the few alliance high elves are simply irrelevant :woman_shrugging:

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this is true. i was just pointing out that if they aren’t goody two shoes, afterall, well everybody can cross that out as a reason for them not to be playable.

Has anyone even said that?

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this is the problem with playable alliance high elves. they undermine and infringe upon everything the blood elves do and are if they are given permanent representation by being playable. void elves can be developed and used in future stories that cannot be reflected back upon the blood elves

yeah, i even saw someone say it yesterday. imagine my surprise… there’s also the call for giving alliance the bad guy bat, so the horde doesnt have to be the bad guy this time.

now dont accuse me of saying the horde are evil. i’m paraphrasing other posters.

[Press X.]

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which is weird, since they are blood elves, acting like blood elves, in a way that an alliance high elf wouldnt (magic at all costs is not a hallmark of the alliance high elves. lets just say, they aren’t quite that adventurous.)

Except when it isn’t.

Except when it is.

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except when you dont give examples. haha

Off the top of my head the blood elves make it very clear that they don’t want the void near the Sunwell and there’s that entire town of high elves who caved in to their addiction and became Wretched.