Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

But with all the fires that actually has happened, it was pretty stupid for our Prime Minister to take a holiday to Hawaii while our country was in a bit of crisis with the fires.

I mean ScoMo’s a massive chud, it’s not really surprising. Did you see all the stuff he’s been pulling lately with giving large government grants to places in his home electorate?

Oh gosh, don’t remind me. I might actually look at joining the next rally where people want him out.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

So already a flaw in your argument. Becuase aparently you don’t know the lore xD

For your #2 infact, the blood elves are corrupt. (Not any more.)
Within TBC the blood elves were tainted due to the sunwells corruption. Hence their green eyes. This corruption actually caused an addiction to mana and fel magics similar to how the Nightbourn are addicted to Nightwell and mana crystals. High elves do not have this addiction to any form of magics. This is why both Nightbourn and Blood Elves have a forms they turn to when they completely fall to the corruptions. Wretched and Withered.

Both races have been purified, Blood Elves cleared due to the sunwell being purified hence the new bright yellow eye option, and the Nightbourn lorewise no longer are dependent on the leyline mana.

Oh boy this again. No, no addiction to fel.

I think you need to learn your lore. The Blood Elves eyes were effects caused by the Fel Radiation from the Fel Crystals that were used to power Silvermoon during its reconstruction.

And no. The Blood Elves never tapped into Fel Magic to feed off there addiction to arcane.

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the destroyed sunwell that was giving off no magical energy?


The Sunwell was destroyed during the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas, when Prince Arthas Menethil invaded the kingdom, slew most of its population, and used the Sunwell to resurrect Kel’Thuzad as a lich. This ritual tainted the Sunwell’s energies and threatened to kill the few elves who had survived the onslaught; in response, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider, last of Dath’Remar’s bloodline, rushed to the aid of his homeland and had the corrupted Sunwell destroyed. This act saved his people from destruction, but also cut the elves off from their source of power completely. Bereft of their beloved Sunwell, the elves, now calling themselves the blood elves, were left with an insatiable hunger for arcane magic.

Seems people need to read before replying lol
If you read everything i said instead of reading a tiny portion i said the corruption of the sunwell RESULTED IN THE ADDICTION TO FEL AND ARCANE MAGICS

Evil huh? Do something evil. C’mon, do it, do it do it

I’m going to suggest you check out the belf page on wowpedia because you’ve gotten that completely wrong (which is funny considering accused me of not knowing the lore).

The Sunwell was corrupted by its use by the Scourge to resurrect Kel’thuzad. Immediately afterwards it was destroyed by the high elves (the ones who would later name themselves blood elves, not the current high elves who neither fought during the fall of Silvermoon or returned afterwards to reclaim it) to avoid corrupting their race.

The destruction of the Sunwell had many effects, however the most prominent of these was that the elves of Quel’thalas were cut off from their mana supply. This left them with acute withdrawal as a result of their racial addiction to magic. High elves (the ones who didn’t fight for Quel’thalas during the Fall) also suffer from this addiction.

To combat this, the various elf groups used different techniques. The Alliance high elves either went cold turkey (the Highvale elves), or they were given arcane artifacts to drain mana from (all other Alliance elves) by their Alliance hosts.

The blood elves allied themselves with Illidan who taught them to drain mana from living creatures with mana. Quel’thalas was full of these creatures having spent millennia basking in the energies of the Sunwell. The blood elves who went to Outland with Illidan were taught a much more dangerous method which involved tapping into fel energies. This method did not pass to the blood elves in Azeroth.

The blood elves had large numbers of buildings that were powered by magic, which were suddenly without power due to the lack of the Sunwell. To power these buildings the blood elves in Outland provided Quel’thalas with burning crystals, that is, crystals containing demons that could be exploited for mana. It’s important to note that although they powered their buildings with fel, the blood elves did not tap these crystals or consume fel themselves.

As a result of the vast fel energies that had bathed Quel’thalas between the Legion invading and the use of these crystals, the blood elves acquired their green eyes.

Here’s an except from a dev QnA on the matter.

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You know, I don’t know where you got your information from, there is a yes and no, but honestly, all I can say is that you actually do need to learn your lore more better.

Check out the WoW wiki on Sunwell, i wonder if you are too stupid to not know it wasn’t pulled from active lore lol

If you read everything i said instead of reading a tiny portion i said the corruption of the sunwell RESULTED IN THE ADDICTION TO FEL AND ARCANE MAGICS

Well, you were wrong.

Man, the lore from the wiki is wrong? Wow, i didnt know blizzard did a complete circle on the sunwell lore.

Ah, that is where you get your so called facts from. A website where anyone can edit it.

lmao one of “those” people a Wiki that is watched highly by moderators and updated to the newest rendition of lore. You invalidated your argument lol