Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Pretty much. I think the word species has been used like twice.

Yeah it’s a bit hashtag yikes.

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And did you mean to post the same link again?

I notice a whole bunch of righteous indignation, but it’s overshadowed by the fact that you’ve lobbed perhaps the most serious accusation imaginable and completely refused to corroborate it with anything.

I’m still waiting.

Well, as also an Aussie, and and actually, being right here in Sydney also where we have been effected by the bushfire smoke a lot as well, it is a pretty stupid thing to really say to an Australian in general.

Like, I would love to make a joke about the fires now being up on Canberra’s door step, but honestly, as I said a couple post ago, bringing anything in regards to reality on a forum where people are arguing about something in a video game… It is just poor behaviour.

Did I? :thinking: Must of not been paying attention to that.

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Eh, sometimes when you try and copy something the computer decides you didn’t really mean to do that.

Also, don’t forget as long as you didn’t get stuck in forum probation you should be able to link youtube

Oh, I can link YouTube videos… But sometimes, it is hard to find what you exactly want on YouTube…

That’s the true secret strategy. Keep flooding the forums with requests endlessly until all detractors finally throw their arms up in exasperation.



I just add that in because I’ve run into some people who have in fact lost their youtube privileges when I’ve been trying to be helpful

I mean I’m from Melbourne. Sydney and Canberra are in danger and I still think it’s icky to make jokes about.

There is some though that just abuse there privileges.


/waves South

The thing is, what effects one city in Australia, also effects the rest of the country. For example, our Tourism. Places like Cairns for example, that have not been effected by any fires, have been effected actually by what has happened around the countries in terms of tourism, because of the fires that has impacted the country.

EDIT: Oh, looks like it is getting worse again, all due to the heat as well.

Anyways, lets get off the topic about fires and stuff…

And back into how high elves are gross and get off my lawn, Alliance filth etc. etc.?


Nah, just taking about fires is making me feel hotter, and considering it is hot today, fans feels like a heater. I mean, it is currently 32C, it is still hot as anything

I left some sliced cheese on the counter at lunchtime. I just went over to my kitchen and it’s basically melted into a block of cheese now.

Oh lord… Should always remember to put things into the fridge so it never happens.

I’m still not used to Summer tbh, all through Winter and Spring in Melbourne it’s like 5-15 every day so you can pretty much leave cheese and ham and stuff out like you can in Europe.

Last time I was in Victoria was last year in September. Oh, it was nice to feel the cold actually, since I had to go to the Gippsland area to see my family…

A couple days before I went to Vic, I spoke to a friend, and they were asking me what was I up too. So I thought to find an image, and put some text on it.


Last year here in Sydney has been really dry and quite warm actually.

If only these threads would work more like this

Yeah, I came down here from Byron Bay to get away from the hot weather back home. Until the smoke came and I started having to wear a gas mask to go shopping, the weather was pretty nice.