Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

/looks at Scott Morrison while he was away in Hawaii while Australia was on fire.

From some of the word choices it looks like it’s more of a partisan talking points recital than actually paying attention to what’s going on

Well then stop making statements about how terrible Australians are.

Like, no one agrees with you. You’ve even got your fellow helfers telling you to knock it off.


Maybe they’ll tell you that you should have raked out the outback more, like they do in Finland

It is ok to say somethings on the forums, but real life stuff and that, should be kept away from the forums, especially when we’re arguing about stuff in the game, and not about stuff in reality.


From the conversation I’ve seen, you’re the one who thinks Australians are terrible – the mere mentioning that you are one sets you into a frothing rage, where everyone who made note of the fact is apparently a racist.

You are projecting, mate.

Hey Guzzle, was was the comment he made? I have seen him make too many post I kinda lost count.

Seriously, it’s pixel elves. No one is getting injured by not getting them/ending up not having exclusivity. We’ve all got strong opinions but damn this is not worth this kinda nonsense

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It absolutely is. Even the federal government has admitted that local Greens councils aren’t the problem, it’s a myth still being pushed by Murdoch media outlets and lapped up by right wing hacks who want to own the libs (small l libs) as our country burns to the ground.

Meanwhile conveniently ignoring the fact that controlled burns have been significantly reduced not as a result of local council policy but by the gutting of our hazard prevention workers by a right wing party looking to take money out of public services and put them into tax cuts for the wealthy and grants.


Blizzard, please grant them High Elves, so the threads and pain will finally stop… :face_with_head_bandage:

Man, that is why I don’t bring reality into an argument that has nothing to do with reality.



Let’s do this in the style of a Mojo top 10 video.


Is it really Mojo style if it isn’t copying someone else’s remarkably similar list video?

I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see some actual racism – all I’m seeing is more of the “this guy hurt my feelings, so he’s a racist” drivel. :man_shrugging:

I’m getting a strong case of deja vu…

checks thread posting date

How very weird.

Have you been into space before?


I was almost about to say, I avoided those top 10 videos.

understand the difference between “race” and “species”, though

:thinking: Hmmm, the second comment actually, in the Warcraft universe, isn’t race and species also considered the same thing?

But yeah, I do not agree with these comments that you have linked.

No, really, I’m literally on the edge of my seat waiting.

Also, Tarrok.


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