Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Yeah fair enough. You do you.


There’s no chance that Blizzard would introduce any playable race, without first developing a completely fresh look for them – as has been the case for every playable option, beginning with Blood Elves and Draenei.

Aesthetics shouldn’t play a part in why people request playable High Elves, because there is a 100% chance that those aesthetics will be changed when/if Blizzard decides to pull the trigger.

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How do you feel about the idea of a scenario that takes the remaining High Elves and joins them with the Void Elves, and shows them willingly going through the process to become Void Elves?

Basically making it just Blood and Void Elves, no more high elves canonically?

It’s not ideal to be honest, I know it would solve many issues and I would live with it. If initially they would have gotten off that way we wouldn’t be here now.

One of my ulterior motives is to have an Alliance elf Paladin. Idc if that’s Night Elf or High elf… but void elf in that regard would just be an abomination.

That’s my goal, but still believe it is a reasonable and valid request otherwise.

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That feeling when you’re so self-loathing, that someone mentioning where you come from gives you emotional trauma. :laughing:

Just putting it out there, you were very quick to call someone out for saying you wanted elves because they’re pretty, but you’re just ignoring this.

You’re accusing someone of being racist because they pointed out you’re Australian – I have a feeling you’re not going to get a whole lot of sympathy votes.

In the rest of the world, we use words for their intended purpose. We also don’t ban controlled burns. :man_shrugging:

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You should be ashamed of yourself.


Where’s the lie?

I’m fully in support of a Night Elf Paladin. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I could explain to you that the controlled ban is a myth propagated in the face of overwhelming scientific, economic and political evidence.

But honestly man, trying to insult me by mocking a really horrific humanitarian issue my country is facing right now is really low.

Like I am legitimately scared for my family’s lives because of the fires and for you to make some joke about it after all the other stuff you’ve said about Australians, it’s gross man.

You should be ashamed.


Dude, not cool.

you know how many times my family has been in danger of fire in Southern California. What Australia is facing is so much worse. That s**t isn’t funny.


And yet, every region that has banned controlled burning has seen a corresponding increase in wildfires – you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t put much stock in academics in your country, they seldom get anything right.

The point isn’t to mock the resultant wildfire, but to ridicule the liberal sensibilities that created the situation in the first place – the same sensibilities that lead you to believe someone alluding to you being Australian is “racism”.

What other ludicrous concepts are you a champion of, there must be more.


I hope you and your family are able to stay safe.

Did you know that California, like Australia, has strict regulations against controlled burns? It’s almost like there is a correlation.

Just stop man.


To be fair, I actually agree with this. It is pretty stupid to mock any Australian with stupid humanitarian comments at a time like this.

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Well isn’t a big part of the issue that while there isn’t actually a ban, controlled burns have to be the first word first and foremost. And when you’re in bad conditions and especially if there’s wind problems you can’t have a controlled burn since it can’t be controlled. But it’s a convenient excuse for the people who much like in the US have stripped the budgets and manpower from the agencies who do that work for why it’s not their fault. But continue spouting convenient lies.

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I mean it’s a stupid claim to make anyway, it’s entirely dependent on the idea that somehow local councils have the authority to dictate policy to state and federal government.

You don’t get to sit here and accuse me of being a racist, and then feign victomhood when I point out some observable truths – don’t dish it, if you can’t take it.