Mama needs pears and apples to get this loan shark off my back.
the wowhead belf section is worse than these forums. alot of people quiting right on wowhead, almost all alliance players. so sad.
I’ve been advocating for forest trolls since way, way back and it’s what originally led me to this little conversation. I always loved those guys because they were always really pragmatic about their request and the penultimate position taken was that we wanted just a re-skin made available since that was more likely than a whole new rig.
The subject was brought up a month or two ago here and it’s pleasant to see the helfers who totally weren’t just saying how forest trolls wouldn’t happen with SLs to break me wee heart proven wrong.
This is a big deal to me, so bloody jazzed man.
I was hoping for proper Forest Trolls as an allied race, the bigger ones we see in ZA
These ones are okay, sure, but I just want those big ol’ ones from ZJ to give variation to the bruiser races. Sure, a big ol’ bruiser, but also agile and jumpy
(also zul’jin being brought back to life because bloody heck between Kael and ZJ TBC kind of wasted a lot of characters)
That’d be nice, but skinny forest trolls are still very common as of BFA, I’m much happier getting almost what I want than asking for something that wasn’t going to happen.
Edit: Actually, not almost what I want. They are what I want, just the lower effort version thereof. Forest trolls using the regular troll rig are all over the place so it’s still just as accurate.
There is more contention regarding the skin colours. The last four pages are … Truly, where do these people crawl from?
Humans are so ridiculous.
I didn’t see that many comments on the blue eyes, other than a lot of very excited Blood Elf players, but I didn’t read all 11 pages.
my only contention with the skin color is i wanted it to be exclusive to alliance for my dream race - half elves who are half human and half high elf, and by high elf i mean the thalassian variety. so they’d still be trim and not have hands the size of dinner plates, but their human side would give them a few more curves. they’d have elf ears, but smaller, and elf eyebrows but shorter. but because half human, could access the african and asian appearances. we’d have african and asian elves.
yeah, pipe dream.
They sound really cool. Half-Elves are a very classic Fantasy Trope. (DnD, EQ etc.)
Anyone can have a skin colour, if Half Elves were ever implemented I doubt there’d be an issue, unless the Alliance Half-Elves were VE and Human children!
i dont mind that belfs got them beyond the fact that it detracts from the uniqueness, the exclusivity, half elves would’ve had. but there was not one indication that blizz was even remotely entertaining the notion of half elves anyway.
void elf half elves would be terrible. i’m already extremely limited in customizations. doing that to half elves would be awful.
True, and I certainly understand that customisation for existing Races must take priority.
I’ve always longed for a Faerie race on the Horde; mischievous and cheeky like the ancient version of Faeries. (NOT Tinkerbell! /Shudder!)
I’ve always wanted to see more of Draenor’s fae races, tbh.
like the…what were they called…the crunchy guys. lol they sounded like someone crinkling paper when they moved
You’re not talking about Goren are you?
the botani, they’re called
Oh the Botani? Yeah, I think they’re semi-confirmed to show up at some point. In a QnA a question was raised about the Mag’har and it was mentioned that the Mag’har had brought several of Draenor’s native species with them.
what fae were you thinking of?
Podlings. The little gangstas with the big faces and spears. They clearly had some kind of little tribal society going on there that didn’t get really touched on.
haha. theres a toy that turns you into one, its hilarious.
they had their own song lol
Podlings became the Sporelings, there’s a random event that shows them basically saying “Yo stuff’s going to go down and we’re going to become a mushroom faction to survive. Prepare for the future”