Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

A toy is fine a playable fae race, no bueno! They’re too much on the cute side, and frankly I’m sick of all the cuteness lately!

If people are going to leave over a simple eye color then I say, good riddance?

What did they expect with evidence to the contrary of their opinion and being flatly told no?

good for you?

Hyper, off topic a a moment. How did you get fair skin for a void elf? Lol did Blizz not update your avatar?

its the fx from the staff i’m holding. doesnt she look terrible? i wanted to prove that just giving velfs pale skin would not work. otherwise you look like an undead

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You’re lierally an Alliance High Elf lol.

only on the forums. in game, it just lights up one side of your head a bit and casts shadows that look kinda creepy.

Weird lol

10 toons

this is essentially what she would look like without the staff

Yup, a better looking Blood Elf :+1:

yeah if they gave us human skin colors, it’d have to be very specific or it would look awful

I’d rather just have high elves.


i’d not argue with that. :sunglasses:


The Horde is waiting for you. Lol


Those are blood elves.


Blood Elves are High Elves, I’m sensing deja vu lol.


hey avarie

you take one of his legs, i’ll take the other, and we can drag him across the field and let his mohawk carve a trench we can plant flowers and strawberries in. maybe some raspberries, grapes … hehe



10 toons

it was the mohawk, yeah? :sunglasses:

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void corrupted high elves are waiting too. they keep forgetting the elephant in the room