Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

you’re almost there. if we can already do it, and it hasnt destroyed the game, wouldnt it be a nice gesture to just let us have them without all the extra hastle? hassel? hassle? hassle.

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Yeah no. And no Sapphire, I’m not almost there. I’m sorry if you missed the sarcasm in my post - I’ll work on being more blunt next time. :slight_smile:


I am requesting for one because I would love to play one. On the Alliance I should mention!

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I’m okay with that. But i’m also okay with not doing it. People deserve the ability to play what race they want without having to resort to temp items to make that change happen.

Phylok, this essentially removes the faction divide. WHat defines these factions is also the races to which you have access. If I can pick a blood elf and go alliance, I essentially ignore the purpose of factions.

You’re not a jerk for saying no. People need to get over this notion that being nice means saying yes to everything.


Any race any time means no factions the way WoW has used that term since its inception, Phylok. It means re-writing vast swaths of the game, different starting areas, different quests, different faction leaders, and the end of a foundational aspect of the Warcraft IP.

What’s left? “Oh, well you would have a different colored nameplate!” ??

No thanks.


Same. And I prefer Horde by a large margin. But I have great love for Alliance too.

And I am most interested in how HEs add to the faction rivalry, they have potential friendship with VEs waiting to be seen akin to Nightborne and Blood Elves friendship, as a BE fan I feel I have a reason to dislike them in RP PC and their NPCS / storyline, they abandoned Quel’thalas. I enjoy the idea I would in a sense see them as traitors.

But I also think the HE’s would see BE’s as betraying their ideals, and they have a personality BE’s don’t, and are uniquely Alliance in personality and outlook on the world. And adds flavor, I have no doubt if they became playable they would be popular, and Alliance deserves something popular.

But all in all I would enjoy HE threads and BE threads a little more with them in game, I like to think we would have a friendly toned rivalry on who was better, I may always side with the BE’s but I’ll be happy to campaign for HE’s to have a place at the table as well for all the people who enjoy them the best. I would enjoy one too, but not to the same level as I enjoy BEs it that makes sense? And my love of BE’s and Elves I just really root for people who love Elves and want their preferred candidate to be playable, especially since they have always been Alliance and are so intricate and have been to the story.

So here’s my vote again for Playable Alliance HE’s :white_heart:

not like people havent been doing this since tbc. pygmy oil, turn yourself into a little gnome wearing warlock type gear. deviant fish, turn yourself into a male or female human pirate/ninja/rogue. turn yerself into a troll, a tauren, a draenei, an orc, a dwarf, etc. none of it has caused the game to malfunction

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I don’t know where you getting this idea from. Nothing in WoW’s lore suggests that Thalassian Elves lose their identity as Thalassian Elves if they’re not connected to the SUnwell.

Like I said before - It’s a big part of their culture, yes.

Them not being connected to the Sunwell doesn’t suddenly forfeit their race identity as a thalassian elf though.

The Sunwell permanently changed their bodies into what they are now. If they have other ways to sate their magic outside of the Sunwell, they’re not going to change. This is what they are now regardless of what happens to the Sunwell. It’s how High Elves kept their blue eyes. They simply changed their source of magic.

Not being connected to the Sunwell doesn’t = No longer being a thalassian.

The Sunwell is literally just a font of magic for them to sate their addiction with. It’s a big part of their culture too. Being a thalassian elf is just a matter of literally being born one.

High Elves = RED GRAPES
Void Elves = Lemberger
Blood Elves = Pinot Noir

They’re all grapes, they’re just different versions of them.

You’re actually making me use this as an example, lmao.

Thalassians are playable on both Alliance and Horde, so it wouldn’t be crazy for Blizzard to give us a second version of them. After all, we have 3 different types of humans, two draenei and two dwarves.

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I’m not saying you’re wrong, because I don’t actually know much about Demon Hunters. But where is it stated that they’re a different race from what they originally were?

This is already happening though. With the new combined starting area in Shadowlands. You have one area for the horde, and one area for the Alliance. The re-writing has already begun.

And none of it has been permanent or on a scale of “any player, any race, any faction, any time”. I know you’re just baiting me here since we both know how ridiculous your premise is…so I’ll just go ahead and slip off the hook now and let you go fishing elsewhere.


i dont think the game should be faction-less, but similarity of appearance has never harmed the game. that’s the point.

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theyre just different flavors of high elf. its the same thing as void elves. defined by their connection to the void, and DHs by their bond with a demon. biologically they are no longer a high elf. are they still a high elf? i would say so just a different flavor

if you want to be a high elf on the alliance the option is void elf. they are what you people have been asking for. playable alliance high elves, made different from blood elves(traditional fantasy high elf) enough to justify being an AR


I don’t think void corruption was asked for, but if you say so. :man_shrugging:

It does when it accompanies being warped by the void. All you are doing currently is saying “nothing suggests it” even though Ihave already presented the
information before you. At this point, its just denial on your part.

Them not being connected to the sunwell even though it exists is a direct statement to how drastically they have changed.
This is not a case of the sunwell not being existent as was the case of TBC.
This is a case of the sunwell existing, but them not being connected to it in any aspect whatsoever.

Again, you’re just ignoring the lore for the sake of pushing the notion of them still being thalassian even though everything in front of you states

The sunwell does more than sate addiction. It is the same for them as air is, which is why they were so deblitated with its loss, and restored when it was restored.
Yes, it is a part of their culture, but it is a part of their biology. They are the only race that is connected to the sunwell in such a fashion.
Which is why you refused to answer my question on what other race is biologically connected to it. You have none.
Admitting they are the only ones means admitting it is a part of what identifies a thalassian elf.

I mean…your example hits a brick wall given that high elves and blood elves are biologically the same.
Void elves are not biologically the same and lack many of the characteristics thalassian elves possess. SO they’re a blueberry.

It pretty much would b given its a core race of the Horde for one.
Let alone if void elves are thalassian per your logic, you don’t need high elves.
Want pale skin? Go Horde.

And what faction are they located on again?
You keep dodging this important question.
IN anycase, obviously, you’re just too stubborn to acknowledge the information so I’ll just leave you to whatever opinion you view.

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Yeah…its a travesty they aren’t pale insteadof being blue.

The horde can keep waiting. I hope they hold their breath.

Just mad because we have our trees and you dont


Nah, I’m mad that you all are being let off the hook for Teldrassil. Don’t worry though, my arrows have seeds in them now, so new trees will be fertilized by your corpses.

Only Reno will be spared!

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