Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Hey, I never agreed to burning the tree. I honestly liked using it to make my weird wine.
I am not worried about your arrows though

blade dance

Well maybe I will spare you also. Only if you give me cookies though.

Exactly so. Playable races aren’t races at all - they’re factions or subfactions of races.

Especially Allied Races.

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Avarie, no. He is responsible for the burning of Teldrassil. Can’t you see the fire in his eyes and the dark grin on his face?

But…they’re mine.
It took a day to make these =(


I like trees though.

I’m closer to being okay with half elves as long as they have their own model, animations, as well as a few ear length and eyebrow length options. They’d have a distinct silhouette, and with the longer ear options people could rp as a full high elf if they wanted to.

I can’t see his eyes at all. But it looks like he won’t share his cookies with me anyway…

human skin colored elf, you mean. usually when humans are blue it either means they did too much colliodial silver or they’re dying from lack of oxygen, usually as a result of a heart attack. in effect, blue instead of some shade of brown, equals disease/sickness, unless ya have feathers or scales.

Why are you being pedantic?
Is it because we didn’t burn enough trees!?

is that why you got a factory size shed out back full of timber from trees you chopped down?

why are you pretending the request for high elves is a form of racism?

Hahahaha. Farts.

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No more tree burning!

Since your entire argument revolves around this.

I will repeat:

High elves are alliance (or not-blood elf high elves for your convenience)
Blood elves (or blood-high elves for your convenience) are horde

Since you seem to enjoy being confusing, the alliance not-blood elf quel’dorei high elves that are already alliance are what people want. Does that help?

No one is demanding what you have. As I said above, no blood elf is being touched in the process.

The only thing that would take place would be that high elves (not-blood elf high elves for your convenience) would no longer be strictly be npcs

As I said to another poster, I would be on board with you if high elves (not-blood elf high elves) weren’t already alliance, because then it would be copypasta. Which is why your logic is flawed and comes off as selfish and spiteful.


Look, you can cry up and down there is a difference but that difference is in name and lore obly.
Neither of which matter from a design perspective.


Great so i prove you wrong with basic logic and that means I’m crying.

Have fun I guess


A compromise doesn’t mean getting exactly what you wanted.

Please, for all that’s unholy, stop ignoring the fact the the AR that most closely resemble their parent race are in their respective side.

This is starting to become one of those absurd discussion points that give me a headache on sight much like the greatest hits “But pandaren!”, “Blizz said no to classic!” and “But the fel juice!”.

Or maybe, just maybe, just because a handful of NPCs happen to wander Stormwind, it doesn’t mean that justifies indeed copying an iconic playable Horde race and pasting it in Alliance.


Thank you: you just reinforced every argument made by every pro-PAHE ever.
If your game is rendered enjoyable only when everyone else is playing what you personally tkink they should be playing, then Hello Kitty is just the place for you.

And if I had a gold piece for every Horde player post that says ‘Belfs aren’t real Horde’, I could buy a token.


Did you have too many ales?

Because that sounds like a gross hyperbole.


The only dialogue seen is constant insults and deliberate mass flagging solely for the purpose of closing the thread and ending the subject that way.

NO complaints ever about Panderan ability to be one or the other: therefore PAHEs should be just fine.

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