Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Here you go, here is the video where Ion has said Void Elves are pretty much another flavour of High Elf too.


Do you understand what being selfish means? It means to act, or desire, without consideration of others. Screaming that you should have high elves and calling others spiteful and selfish for not agreeing is in itself a spiteful and selfish act. You are demanding everyone consider what you want, but not considering what others desire.

According to Ion they are a different flavor, which can mean a different species and anything else. Your interpretation while ignoring what the lore says is not logical.
No connection to the Sunwell = no a thalassian end story.

That is literally what it means. This is why they all went into withdrawal when the sunwell was destroyed, and why they were returned back to normal when it was restored. This is unique to the thalassian race and no one else.
no one was affected by the tainting of the sunwell, its destruction, nor its reignition.
Only thalassians.

That is incorrect.
He states “void elves are a different flavor of high elf.”
Grapes and oranges may be fruit, but they’re different kinds of fruit.
Void elves are a different kind of elf. They’re an elf, but they’re not thalassians.
No need to be obtuse.

Let alone, by your logic, the alliance has high elves and should cease their request. So…congrats you played yourself.


Here take my dollars

I get adds for these


Hey, you’re the one who said we’re selfish and spiteful.

You see, I don’t see anyone being selfish either asking for something or denying on something. Maybe you should consider that.

I don’t care about your need to be accepted by the pro-helf community.
Read the entire series of posts before making accusations without merit. K thx.

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Lol, is that what you think?

How about scroll right up, maybe weeks ago where it was either you or one of the other Anti’s :woman_shrugging: who called us Selfish.

I think I could be wrong, but pretty sure it was this thread.

how they do is visually.
so say i’m a draenei and have both an orb of sindorei and an orb of deception. i use one till its about to expire, then use the other till its about to expire. then i use ai’li’s mirror and extend it even longer. and when that’s about to expire i use image swap item and extend further. soon, the orb of sindorei and orb of deception are both off cooldown and the whole process can begin again. i have literally appeared as a blood elf on the alliance for as long as i wanted too, and it hasnt changed the game one iota.

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Yes, or you wouldn’t make such a foolish accusation without merit.

So you don’t even know who said it, but you’re attributing it to me anyway.
Maybe you should go up and verify.

Sounds like its temporary.

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Ok… This doesn’t prove they’re not thalassians though. “They’re a different flavor of High Elves”, which means they’re High Elves, just a different flavour of them. THey’re still the same race. They’re not a new race.

The Sunwell is an important part of who they are, but it’s not what makes them thalassian elves. When they destroyed it, they all continued existing as thalassian elves, they were just struggling with their addiction.

What that means is that they’re addicted to the Sunwell’s magic. They were having withdrawals and suffering from it. They didn’t suddenly stop being thalassian elves…

Is that supposed to be a red herring or something?

Not all fruits are the same, no. But you can get many different versions of one type of fruit.

Even if I even did use that as my logic(They are the same race though, lol. They’re 100% thalassian elves, just like blood elves are), it still wouldn’t matter. We have two types of Dwarves, two types of gnomes and two types of humans. Blizzard obviously doesn’t care about that.

I love how you guys keep trying to insult us. It really makes your points and arguments seem much more genuine and understanding of the topic.

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no, its only temporary if i want it to be or there are not an endless supply of image swap items. even then, i could spend the greater part of every hour, looking identical to a blood elf, even the green eyes. other alliance players pay it no heed cause it’s not an usual thing. and nothing has gone wrong. but i will say if they did give alliance high elves, they would need different animations, idle stances and hair styles at the very least.

I mean…again…if you’re a different flavor of something, it means you’re different. It means nothing about being the same race or not. The story demonstrated later on they have no connection to the sunwell.
no connection to the sunwell= not a thalasian.

It literally does given it was the sunwell which influenced their appearance.
The sunwell blowing up = crippling addiction.
The sunwell restored = addiction gone.

Name another race with a connection to the Sunwell since you think it doesn’t define them.
Seriously, one of their quotes is “for the sunwell”.

They didn’t, no, but it demonstrated part of what makes a thalassian elf, a thalassian elf, is their innate connection to the sunwell. You’re trying to create some pseudo argument that holds no weight.

Hint: They’re a different kind of fruit.
Elf = fruit
thalassian = apple
void = grape.

He says after confirming it as his logic.

Yes…yes it does. Here is why.

What faction are those types playable on? I’ll give you a hint. It isn’t the red one!
Clearly, it matters to blizzard because that is what helps defines their factions.

I love how you play this victim complex anytime you read something you disagree with, it really lends credence to your views.

Which does not matter, because it is ultimately temporary Sapphire


Isn’t that what you’re doing here right now, ignoring Ion’s comment about Void Elves being High Elves?

Anyway, Void Elves being a different race from Blood Elves or not is irrelevant here, not sure why people are discussing this.

Demon Hunters are a different race and yet they appear as “Blood Elves”.

Again, the term “race” in WoW is nothing more than a misnomer, a kind of placeholder if you will.


only if i decide to stop doing it. and it hasnt negatively impacted anyone. its done no more harm in pvp than a human costume from deviant fish does. i am unsure why its considered harmful since so far, none of the copies, allied races and costume items, have destroyed faction identity

I know alot of RPer’s who did this using the Mirror Prisim, and a ton of other items in the game. Some did it in PVE and PVP, didn’t break anything in game.

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What matters, however, is it requires an item and again, it is temporary. On the other hand, making something a permanent fixture of a faction is different entirely.
Blood elves are high elves. If you want the aesthetic and story you play that end.
If you want the different group, unfortunately, you can’t play it.
If you want it to be a part of the playable story. I recommend requesting they be fused into the void elves.

“Hey guys, they used an item that workd for a temporary period. It didn’t break the game.”
Again, difference between permanent, and temporary with an item.
One is a permanent identity of the faction, the other is a cosmetic item.
Seriously, by your logic,w e should remove the faction divide so you can play anything on any faction.

Don’t forget, when we’re rolling any of the playable races, we’re not actually rolling for the race as a whole, but only a group out of that race.

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Fine, then there is no issue and no reason to create playable High Elves. Everyone can simply just use those toys and the problem is solved. Cool, thanks for ending the debate. :wink:


the belfs have a set of signature visuals, outside of base model, namely how they stand, how they cast (love their casting animations on both genders), how they walk, run, and melee. just changing those on a high elf for alliance, would immediately differentiate them. and if they had different hairstyles, even more so.

i took it step further and said, just make them all half elves, then lots of modifications could be easily incorporated

He said they are a flavor of High Elf, he never said they are genetically the same. They’re GMO-Thalassians, Leinadh - a term I’ve used for them since they dropped. I’ve never said they are not related to Thalassians - ever.

And as I mentioned earlier, since I’ll accept Ion’s statement on the matter then anyone referencing it should also accept Ion’s “The Horde is waiting for you” comment - right?


Actually I think the faction divide should remain.

I just think people should be able to play any race they desire, without having to use temporary items to change them into them, even for races I personally don’t like. I’m not going to be that jerk and say “No you can’t play that because reasons…”

It’s the reason I support, High elves, Ogres, Vampire Elves, Saberon, Naga and other community requests. Because they are community requests and people should be able to play what they want.