Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

so i’m not boring but a high elf is? they’re our allies, silly void elf. lol you just dont want the competition. :rofl:

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Blood Elf taste is unquestionable and evidently superior, as is their power!

High Elves represent such a more different story than VE’s, VE’s are a niche interest and valid, but the people who want HE’s that make such lore sound arguments for them want the lore that isn’t a niche Yennefer or Vengeburg power hungry void riddled Elf. And this is coming from someone who loves Void Elves.

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Shhhh! You expose me, my darling Gnome.

In all honesty, jokes aside, I have no ill-will towards the Sin’dorei or the Quel’dorei, and I have no qualms with those who want more “traditional” (ick) High Elves for the Alliance.

However, I do believe that Blizzard has doubled down on their No stance with the Ren’dorei. I think that the best we can achieve now is more skin and hair options, including tattoos, for the Void Elves.

I know that this will not satisfy all, and some will reject the idea outright. Yet I currently see no other option or solution.

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we could ask for half elves. that’d work. half elf bards would really be awesome.

Sadly, no. Half-elves in WoW are extremely rare and very taboo. Even Arator, the son of Alleria Windrunner, is treated with suspicion and contempt. WoW is not the Forgotten Realms.

mon dieu! nobody told me!

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At least you have a sense of humour, some folks take these discussions much too seriously.

I honestly wish the racial for void elves didn’t bug me so much, and that I were more into the void theme in general.

As a Shadow Priest I rarely see it, though I understand. Glowing blue isn’t how we are shown Alleria and her transformation. I would prefer the option to shift in and out of a more astral-like form, similar to Worgen.

I am entirely biased towards Void Elves, as H.P. Lovecraft was one of my favourite authors growing up. I adore tales of madness, mystery, psychology, the things that lurk just beyond our senses.

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I’m a sucker for archers myself. I want to pick it up in real life actually, but I enjoy a lot of fictional archers as well, and elves have been a favorite for years.


There is no escaping the void corruption effect. Unless you don’t play 8.3 :frowning: the visual sucks, it’s gotten my main a few times even with the corruption resistance. Gotten cleanse your items and lose the benefits to get rid of the visual.

Slightly off-topic, but I adore archery as well. I grew up on a farm and I’ve had much practice over my lifetime, though sadly a wrist injury in both hands prevents me from using anything less than a crossbow nowadays.

I quite enjoy the new Lara Croft and her use of the bow as a signature weapon in the latest reboots.

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I don’t plan to bother trying to get current gear while I’m back. If anything I’ll level some lowbies.


Regarding arguement #10. I disagree. Alot of things worked with Legion. Class weapons were great with skins for them. Class quests. All thrown out the window for Battle for Azeroth so good developer? Throwing out what doesnt work? That isnt fully accurate. Garrison theme still present in current content via mission tables. Sorry for those who like that…but it should be thrown out.

I don’t blame you at all. I’ve been working on getting a few other alts up to Max as well. Just wish my hunter was more viable, MM or bust. :weary:


Regarding “classes” High mountain…Nightborne. Thats all cool and all but only Vulpera appear to be unique. The others are literally recolors or Reskins. Still like the aesthetics…but I can see the nelf and belf so it takes something away from them for me.

I have a place where I could practice probably, but I have nothing else yet.

MM is my favorite. I do wish more of the ranged survival had been incorporated into ot though, or that they had just added a fourth spec.


I know I’m coming in out of nowhere and I’m not even sure where this is coming from, but…

Bruh… they’re basically goblins in a fursuit.


Vulpera use the same skeleton as Goblins, though they are unique as a race. They have no core equivalent, making them the odd ones out.

It is very likely that Kelfin were supposed to be the Goblin AR, but the surprise fan favourite of the Vulpera, coupled with an incredibly bad expansion, caused Blizzard to break the emergence glass.

They don’t really have much of a background beyond being persued by the Sehtrak really, even the Danger noodles have a more interesting background than the Vulpera.

Don’t get me wrong, I think they’re adorable, but that’s pretty much it, they don’t seem to have much depth besides being cute… and as someone who grew up with Tails from the sonic franchise as her favorite character, I’m an absolute sucker for that.

But I doubt they were unexpectedly popular, I mean, they’re fennec foxes, they are bound to be popular.