Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Reminds me of Alliance High Elves I advocate for sigh :white_heart:

Though I will also always support your ideas with Half Elves Hyper :blue_heart:


A company is not going to sit on a money making decision for 13 years when they could have made the money already.


I truly love the Vulpera but I am by law forced to say the following.

Sethrak sethrak sethrak! :snake:


They would if the dev team is divided on them with some wanting it others not.

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I said it before and I’ll say it again, I truly hope Alliance gets them

It’s far more original, unique, and even offer more depth than vulpera, than blue eyed blood elves.

13 years and the people in charge keeps saying no, though. And besides, they technically are already in game and playable.

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And yet the remain divided, to the point they couldn’t even commit to doing away with them making Void Elves.

No I said what I said and stand by it :slight_smile:

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They don’t appear to make all of their decisions based on popularity or money either.

Pathfinder for recent examples.


Nothing says they couldn’t commit to that in the future though.


Well, in the case of Kultirans, they seemed to have strong hope for them, after all, they did work on the models from scratch. You don’t invest on something like that unless you have some sort of hope on it.

Mechagnomes, I don’t know what was the reasoning, but I stand by my opinion that the little guys are pretty hardcore, bolting their own to walls and such, that’s how a race earns my respect, hah.

As for Pathfinder, it has never been a secret they’re not a fan of implementing flying so I guess they kind of had to come up with something that double dipped as a compromise and as another time gate.

How interesting, many of the HE fans and advocates surmise about what they will say in the future about High Elves as well :slight_smile:

Is not nice to twist the words I said in the context of Void elves to your benefit.

Also, there’s one important factor to take into account: Void elves are relatively new. The devs have been saying Blood elves are high elves since the release of TBC. There’s better chances of the story of the Void elves developing into them absorbing the high elves, than on a copy of a Horde race with different eye color being playable on the Alliance after 13 years of it not happening.

EDIT: Many typos… sleep deprived x.x.


I hope you can get more sleep. Being sleep deprived is awful.


Welcome back to the wretched hive of scum and villany of the forums!


Should name the next thread “Mos Eisley and the High Elves”.


Max Reno and the Azerothian Elf Wailers?

(Also, Seriously George? You named the band “Max Rebo and the Galatic Word I can’t say on these forums Wailers?” Couldn’t choose any other vowel to replace the a in Jazz with?)


Thank you! It’s good to be back!

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You can have the biggest hugs Murgy!


Oooh, Angry Beavers, I see you are a gentleman and scholar.

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I’m very pleased to see you back, Avarie. Although I knew you were always around tossing a like here and there, I’m glad you’re back-back. :slight_smile: