These are facts.
Don’t make me burn you like we burned your tree.
These are facts.
Don’t make me burn you like we burned your tree.
(Serious post, as promised)
Some time has now passed, since both this uproar AND the inclusion of Allied Races began. I feel that the latter has only strengthened my previously stated positions. Feel free to view my archives, as they are open to all.
The recent additions have only made the exclusion of PAHEs more unreasonable. As follows…
Horde has Nelfs and Alliance has Belfs. Both are radically changed, especially the belfs but, to use an argument presented by the OP and his many supporters, they are fundamentally the same.
Many of the core races have, as Allies, basically the same race. Best examples: The Mag’Har Orcs and Lightforged Draenei. The Elves do not get this priveldge.
As has been shown, people decide who and what they will play, and how. Why some people get upset over others’ ingame choices, especially in this matter, is beyond me.
Finally, as Blizzard does seem to be changing the nature of the age-old Horde-Alliance conflict, surely other barriers can come down as well.
Thank you.
(Hurredly ends this post before my RP addiction takes hold)
I think a lot of people take issue with the idea that customization options masquerading as an AR are a privilege.
Character customization is available to ALL races: I am speaking to the exclusionary treatment against elves.
(Still no RP; hangin’ in there!)
What exclusionary treatment? That they actually got something new for their faction this expansion rather than just a lazy paint job?
Not that I can tell, which is my point exactly!
And my point is that there’s a good number of people upset about the options you’re praising for being lazy recolors of the the existing race rather than something with some distinction like DID or KT
Ah okay: yes indeed!
And you may include me as one of those who criticize the ever-growing tendency of this company’s use of reskins/recolors.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Bottom line is that anything the devs WANT to happen will happen. It’s not like this is a random thing.
If they WANTED High Elves for the Alliance, they would simply write something to accommodate it.
There’s your primer.
This is even better:
The devs have already said they don’t want to give the alliance playable high elves but did give them Void Elves instead.
That is the only “primer” you need. The devs don’t want to give the Alliance High Elves. Everything else is pretentious nonsense.
And they’re good about not giving the Alliance what they want. They will give them something just close enough to let them know they could.
they probably didnt use the SC for the first void elves or kill them because they are saving them for a reunification story
I still think there is going to be a reckoning for the Purge of Dalaran, one where they make great purity villains.
Maybe if the Alliance started asking for things that were not in the Horde already, then maybe the Alliance would get the things they ask for.
This is something I wish would happen but I know it won’t. I’m yet to see Alliance wrongdoings actually being met with consequences other than those being swep under the rug in favor of putting the spotlight on Horde wrongdoings.
Hey I keep asking for Sethrak… They’re not in the horde. Heck I don’t even ask for Alliance Sethrak just playable ones. Lol
I think we’ll never see anything happen there. I’m minorly hoping that the SC ends up choosing to become Void Elves and joining the Alliance in full apart from Dalaran.
I honestly hope you guys get them. I like them, but it’s about time Ally gets something unique and they look cool too.
I’m on the camp of High elves as a whole either coming back to Quel’thalas or turning into Void Elves. The SC however? I want to see them swimming with Segacedi.
And retcons…
Yeah. I don’t know why Blizzard did that. The SC losing it with Jaina and going pretty damned evil during that, is in my opinion, a much more compelling story. Especially for the Alliance. We get so few times to be Jerkwads and instead just come off as whiny entitled sherbets.
I can’t swear. Sherbets is a swear here if thats not clear.
Thank you for the Sethrak support!