IM pretty much done, with the arguing over it, no matter what is said no one will agree and the topic will continue,
The Devs either make their minds up on it either way take all the High Elves not Sindorei away and out of the alliance for the right reasons and those reason will need to be explained by someone who knows it all. OR the keep them where they are and make them playable,
I being part of the Alliance Community those High Elves who I have interacted with since the beginning is part of my experience in wow and I feel connected to not the Ren’dorei. Anties and Proes have the right to give their opinions no one is selfish imho.
Ok so then you’re not going to speak to the question. That’s cool, I can hardly force you to. I was just curious about how someone on the Pro side of the debate would respond if it was put to them directly.
That’s not the question, Val. I’ll cut to the chase:
If it’s selfish of me to want to maintain the status quo, because I think it’s the best thing for the game, isn’t it likewise selfish for someone to ask for the change?
I’ve only read the OP, and this look like another “Wall of No”.
That wall crumbled.
Despite your reasoning for it not working in this case, that precedent showed everyone that enough pressure on Blizzard is able to make them cave in, just like the “no more flying, forever” debacle made them cave in and add pathfinder, which most players saw as a good enough compromise, at least for WoD/legion.
High elves are not in the game just because there is simply not enough vocal interest for them. And I don’t think that will change soon.
Enough pressure, whether it comes directly from players, or indirectly from the player base slowly vanishing over time, would definitely make them add said elves as playable, that’s for sure.
Edit: I pity anyone who thinks Blizzard would rather value lore consistency over money.
I really don’t think playable Alliance high elves is important enough of an issue to enough players for this to ever happen… otherwise it would have happened 15 years ago.
Most often the helfers who make compliments towards someone who disagrees with their cause leave a backhanded insult to the rest of the people who post here and disagree with them.
I agree that was their response, I also don’t think that Alliance high elves were ever meant to be a ‘thing’. I think they were just throwing people a bone who really wanted to experience that fantasy trope. As far as their decision… I don’t know, I like Void Elves, though they should have composed them at least in part of remaining Alliance high elves. I’m guessing they have plans for the Silver Covenant, which don’t include them being playable. They’ll make great purity obsessed villains looking to purge the imperfect.