Orc druid and priest, night elf paladin, tauren and Draenei rogue or riot.
Pretty much why I haven’t unlocked some of the AR’s.
The ones I did unlock occurred while playing BFA.
My nightborne occurred because I needed revered for an artifact appearance and needed to do withered armor training for my DK’s hidden artifact appearance.
The only one I took time to unlock wasvoid elves, and purely for the racials on myDK.
You deserved to be under the Orc race as a customization option…ALONG WITH PRIESTS!
No argument at all. Mag’har are okay, but they just don’t have the same history as the common Azerothian orc.
Yeah, I have the void elves, light forged, Kul’tirans and high mountain unlocked. Thought I’d enjoy the high mountain, but it’s just another tauren, except venison flavored.
I refuse to unlock them. I hate the high mountain area, I hate how they look.
Maybe if I cared about racials for my warrior id roll one but…still hate them.
The thing I like about HMT is they make for better druids. Bears, owlkin, nightsabres, seals, deer and eagles all make sense as totem animals for them because all of those live in Highmountain but don’t live in Mulgore.
I hate them.
I’ll make one into venison anyday.
Moose steak is great btw.
I refuse to be dinner.
Hahahahaa…shouldn’t have rolled a warrior.
Just did one for kicks, really.
Damn right!
Worgen monks??
Excuse you, they are Canadian Tauren, eh.
Ever heard the joke about how a tauren hides in a tree? I would tell it here, but it will get me banned if I did.
They’re so adept at blending in with their surroundings by painting their hooves red. I know because a cousin of mine told me.
Close, but not quite.
Then I guess my cousin lied to me yet again…
US, European or Canadian moose… all venison