Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Forgetting anyone, Yankee?

Variations of the moose species or regions?

I know, but their parents are probably still around

Elk. Elk is freakin’ amazing.

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Yes, they’d be void elves in this scenario. Becoming a void elf doesn’t kill you… Probably…

I hope Blizz actually goes on to show how future Void Elves are made as opposed to just implying it. A race with no prior history such as them needs development, but Blizz has given them little to nothing for two years now

Only then would it make sense for Alliance High Elves to stop appearing entirely, assuming they all become Void Elves

One of the better wild-game meats.


Yes, it was clear to me. I was just making it double clear to those who were arguing she was a High Elf.

And yet you type this while playing a Male Human Paladin.


Did I miss it, have we been calling anyone names since the helfer love topic was locked?

I think he got mad cause I suggested rolling the high elves into the void elves. The arrogance I displayed was much too much. Lol

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So you’re going to hold up Kylo, Edward, and Mr Grey since we’re going there, as ideal husbandos?

Says a lot about you, I suppose. Nothing i didn’t already figure, though.

Still not sure what you think you’re accomplishing by using R/S/C as a …

… proxy pejorative when the person you’re marginalizing would RATHER their main NOT be human?

Okay Boomer.

Okay Boomer



Xer. You both suck.

I am not the one engaging in a thousands of years old habit of attacking people based upon the generation in which they were born. Go to sleep, you’re acting cranky

You would have been the dude from 700 b.c. complaining about the younger generation reading too much. No idea what you mean by Xer.


Why don’t you go cancel someone with fake rape accusations because you don’t like the way they vote? Your generation is the literal worst.

How about we not let the obvious horrible troll get this thread locked by spiralling into madness?


High Elves work: A Primer!

Yeah, but they’re really good at finding places to hide and nap in during their shifts.

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That was a different thread my friend. You’re in the wrong room. :stuck_out_tongue:

You are in my room!