Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Which isn’t canon and doesn’t fit the current sensibilities of wow. We’ve never seen humans bully full elves, we’ve never seen a peep of resentment towards Arator.

The rpg was a very different animal and not only rules for stuff that was exceedingly rare like half night elves but was a much grittier world.

#bringbackrpg since Blizzard cant write culture. Blizzard has slowly been implementing things from it in BFA…and technically Medan is still canon, so whats the worst that could happen.

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Didn’t they very specifically uncanon him in chronicle?

There hasnt been anything specifically said other than he isnt Guardian. He still exists because the comics are canon. I want to say its more “he exists, but we will never use him”

I think it was the most recent one had him listed in the table of contents but the page listed doesn’t exist.

Which is shorthand for not canon.

Yea it is a 404 Page not Found joke, but I remember Afsrabi said he was canon back in 2016. But lore changes…and maybe hes not canon. There has not been anything about him.

If he’s not canon any more, I can why there wouldn’t be.

As in, no one has said anything about him to clarify. But its best to treat him like a one-off character from a WoW book and treat him like he doesnt exist.

Personally I believe he deserves to suffer, but alas.

Holy crap that’s a lot of replies

We’re all busy bees.

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Most of the gold coins I’ve seen have images of a dancing murloc with a top hat on.

make it 10k and only 10 people per server are allowed to play one at a time. everyone else must sit in a que for their turn. or option B, play the damn horde :upside_down_face:


I yanked the posts, in deference to the people I actually like on that side of the fence and to avoid atomic-level pot stirring.


But… muh legolas roleplay…

You can play your Leggomyeggolas character on a Blood Elf, I’m sure they won’t mind. :wink:

I was being sarcastic haha, I’m
Not up for boring cliches :wink:


Do you know how many Night Elves are still named Legolassss? I saw one just the other night. lol

I haven’t seen a Belf or Velf one recently though.

I remember back when all your Legolololas characters had to be a night elf, and they liked it, uhm, uphill both ways in the snow!

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I don’t know if should feel surprised or just cringe at it.