Which isn’t canon and doesn’t fit the current sensibilities of wow. We’ve never seen humans bully full elves, we’ve never seen a peep of resentment towards Arator.
The rpg was a very different animal and not only rules for stuff that was exceedingly rare like half night elves but was a much grittier world.
#bringbackrpg since Blizzard cant write culture. Blizzard has slowly been implementing things from it in BFA…and technically Medan is still canon, so whats the worst that could happen.
There hasnt been anything specifically said other than he isnt Guardian. He still exists because the comics are canon. I want to say its more “he exists, but we will never use him”
Yea it is a 404 Page not Found joke, but I remember Afsrabi said he was canon back in 2016. But lore changes…and maybe hes not canon. There has not been anything about him.
As in, no one has said anything about him to clarify. But its best to treat him like a one-off character from a WoW book and treat him like he doesnt exist.
make it 10k and only 10 people per server are allowed to play one at a time. everyone else must sit in a que for their turn. or option B, play the damn horde