Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Idk this orc ain’t half bad.

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Quilting takes time and was historically rather important. Value could be higher than you’d think.

I just want to imagine tauren characters are cruising around with hundreds of thousands of blankets.

The horns and antlers are really useful.

You didn’t think Malfurion had stag antlers did you. They were high mountain o.O

Rich Tauren. Question really is: did the Goblins give them a raw deal or not?

The real real question is how do tauren feel about cultures whose economy is based around cattle trading.

And no, I don’t mean tauren pimps.

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I wonder if that is equivalent to humans eating chimps… or gorillas.

Cows aren’t Tauren clearly and Tauren are hunters who clearly eat meat. but… Cow… Tauren…

Hard to say, really. The only info we have to go off of for Half Elves comes from the RPG, which describes them as a race of mongrels that are largely shunned by both human and elven societies (humans are jealous of them, High/Blood Elves view them as a weakness in their bloodline). They’re all about overcoming social adversity to find their place in the world, part of their identity is their lack thereof

I’d argue that’s pretty unique as far as Alliance races go. Not sure if Blizz wants to touch the supposed racial prejudice they face with a 10 foot pole, but they’d be more than “just humans”

Pretty much, unless more types of Elves were created out of nowhere

Sorry for the late replies btw, work kept me busy


So I go out, miss the important discussion about chips, and come back in to this


Well we did get Void Elves so… Guess that’s a lot more likely than not. :smiley:

That said I love my void elf.

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They should honestly just add it as a bannable post. Tired of hearing about it. It’s makes as much sense as me asking Blizzard to add FF14’s catgirls to WoW. Usually when someone wants something added to the game they’re knowledgeable enough on the subject to know how it could fit but anyone asking for “High Elves” doesn’t even understand what race they’re asking for is.

The best Blizzard can honestly do at this point is just give Bloodelves a purple and blue eyecolor to pick from. Maybe some tattoos with the Shadowlands expanded customization. Then one day hopefully we get rid of this abysmal faction war and people can go to whatever city they want, group with whoever they want, and finally have this nonsense silenced.

With the expanded customization options I listed plus the end of a canonical pointless faction barrier what would be the point of their suggestion? Would Blizzard still have to add a “High Elf” race that they want so desperatly? Or would they just roll a bloodelf with blue eyes and tattoos and go group up with some alliance friends?

The fact that the race is functionally redundant just shows how pointless it would be to add it into the game.

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So say Blizzard gives blue&purple eyecolors to bloodelves in Shadowlands? Plus gives them tattoos/warpaint along with other races that could use them (Dwarves, Orcs, Trolls, honestly pretty much everyone tbh).

Then say they finally drop the faction war that they have narratively killed with the dethroning of Sylvanas and Baine living in Anduin’s court as Jaina/Thrall go back to being BFF’s? BREAK THE CYCLE GUYZ!!!

Okay say Blizzard finally breaks that cycle. What would be the point of your “high elf” race? What does it bring to the game that is different than just adding a few expanded customization options to an already existing race?

I think if you desperately want what you’re asking for so badly you should try asking for something different. Instead of asking for an allied race that could easily be made entirely redundant in an expansion or two why not ask for the cycle to be broken? Or expanded customization?


ive been trying to get them to answer that question forever, but they cant answer it. blood/alliance high elves are identical in theme and aesthetics. so what do alliance high elves bring to the game blood elves dont??? not a damn thing

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Just charge $100 for a single high elf character; would be keeping with the lore because 99% of players won’t do this, people who want high elves now have a option for them, and blizz gets a lil extra money from the cash shop :money_mouth_face:

I do kinda wish there was an option to just buy the AR’s… Blizz would get more money, and we’d be able to skip a grind if we REALLY wanted the race.

i like your blood elf mage mog fez. very magister like


Thank you!
That is the exact reason I went for it. Its one of the PvP sets actually. I was going to have him in some of the Sunwell Plateau raid set but then saw this stuff and couldn’t resist.

Honestly I don’t know what is the worst about that suggestion.
Someone paying for something like that.
Or blizzard actually handling it to a minority of whiny people.

Money talks like it or not. Personally I would never pay for it as I’m happy with my space goats but hey more power to them if they wanna dish out $100 for a character

Rather would just make them playable if the alternative is to pay for a race. It sets a very bad precedent.