Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

This but replace druid with the superior nature caster.

so being more of a nature based race of friendly elves+humans, wouldnt suggest the half elves and night elves would be closer to each other philosophically? surely they’d have been on better terms with night elves historically, then say worgen. hehe

No I get that, but why 15 minutes? Why not 10? 15 seems like its likely to become unused.

Night elves hate Highborne. Just look how they treated the Nightborne.

Or how they’ve more or less treated the Shen’dralar… all 15 seconds of time blizzard gave to that little bit of lore.

What, all three of them?

I think we’re up to like five… but yeah.

half elves are only half high elf. the other half is human. kul’tirans can be druids right?

No, it doesn’t suggest that at all. How would these primarily city-dwelling half-breeds anything remotely resemble a


They’re not at all close to Night Elves, the schism between Night Elves and the Highborne is thousands of years old and there is nothing in lore to suggest that doesn’t carry down to their descendants.

Worgen, Hyper…sheesh…we made them! Night Elves are so tightly aligned with Worgens because without druids of the pack they would not even exist…we owe them and they are far and away our closest allies. Why do you think we created a home for them in Teldrassil?


No one’s saying they physically couldn’t be druids. Anyone can.

five what? half elves? ah then you consider my head canon, that most alliance high elves are in fact, half elves. then replace most of the high elf models with half elves, except the royals (alleria and veressa, for example)

I know it triggers the hell out of Alliance druid mains, but I would really like to see orc druids some day.

Night Elves just hate everything. That is why Darth Tyrande is going to strike back with a vengence.


what about them? oh thats the 5?

Yeah good luck to her, she couldn’t stop the Horde before her forces weren’t lit up like an elf bonfire.

I just hate orcs and forsaken… personally gutting them would be vengeance enough.

and kul’tiran druids?

Yeah, sorry, I forgot the marshmallows.

What did orcs do? Orcs were no more complicit in Sylvie’s stuff than trolls or tauren.