Make the bag into a bowl
Kettles for me.
Cheese and onion are the only correct answer.
I prefer Chilli. More correct of an answer than Cheese and Onion.
Chilli is good, but cheese and onion is the best flavour. Not realising that is what I’d expect of someone from Sydney.
Cheese and onion are the only correct answer.
Not for me, I’m a purist when it comes to chips…except an occasional need for sea salt and vinegar.
Cape Cod Sea salt and vinegar chips are the bomb.
hey, don’t hate on the Sydneysiders. If it wasn’t for Sydney, there would be no Opera House. Oh wait, that was a french guy I think who designed that.
Yeah, I shouldn’t talk. I’m a crow eater originally and we’ve all heard the jokes about Adelaide.
Like that is proves Tasmanians can swim.
I always thought Adelaide was known as the city where all the religious people go on a Sunday
Well yeah, but that’s not as funny as mocking a mildly posh, arrogant state of people.
We talking about Victoria?
Oh please Victorians wish they were as posh as croweaters.
so half elves
starting city = an instance of dalaran, minus access to the horde area (invisible wall so no guards necessary). portal to sw for leveling zones.
classes = paladin, druid or shaman (one or the other), hunter, rogue, priest, dk, mage, warrior, monk. cant be a dh or warlock.
racials = pathfinder: can grant group increased, non-interruptible, movement speed for 10 seconds. cd is 15 minutes. health nut: can forage edible buff foods from herbs without the need to cook them. self only.
acials = pathfinder: can grant group increased, non-interruptible, movement speed for 10 seconds. cd is 15 minutes.
That seems a little steep CD wise.
classes = druid
Yeah, that’s going to be a no from me. There’s absolutely no lore whatsoever (“well they’re hunters who used some nature magic” is like expecting to be invited to drive in Formula One because you commute to work in a Honda Civic) supporting it.
That seems a little steep CD wise
It’s a little op to give a racial that is literally a raid buff.
I remember sharing this on Facebook once for Adelaide back in 2017.
You taking about croweaters after all.