Nah, honestly if you could create some compelling reason for a race historically viewed as anti-environmental destroyers of forests to have developed a sect in serious opposition to that who devoted themselves to healing the land and living in harmony with nature I could see it.
That’s actually a fair point; we are traditionally pretty xenophobic. But we don’t hate Worgens and we - at least the Druids - are mostly ok with our Tauren and Troll counterparts except for the whole war thing.
oh wait, he did say no. of course, the half elves coulda been hanging with the wildhammer when not in dalaran. they’d essentially make up the bulk of the silver covenant too.
Half Elves would have no connection to the elements or the spirits of their ancestors. You can’t just become a shaman. There’s deep spiritual and religious features.
I think dropping the whole idea of them somehow being seriously in tune with nature or the elements themselves is a good idea…since there’s absolutely no lore to support it. At least the KT druid fans can try and fall back to “Well, Drust…” even though that’s been debunked and they have no direct connection with them.
hmm, there are no human or elf shaman. you got a point.
and no druids because murg would be mad, even though there are kul’tiran human druids, he says not believable and cursed humans (worgen), he says those humans are their best buds, so its okay if those humans are druids because they arent elves, even though elves are the premiere druids.