Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Remember everyone, don’t let things get dragged down


insert “you’re not my mom” image here.

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Watch out you might get ganged up on with that kind of opinion! :scream_cat:

You’re not spelling that right.



Dammit. You got me there.

Which word?

There’s got to be some use for all the pointless trivia and pop culture references I have catalogued in my mind

You’re sure you don’t know?

Which word is spelt incorrectly?

You’re asking again?

Not me. I love Mechagnomes. Made a monk, wanted to name her Ohm, bc it’s the meditation sound and the unit of resistance, but it was taken.

I got Coaxial. :smiley:

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When I get the Mechagnome unlocked, I was going to name it “Shortborg”. Since Mechagnomes are like Cyborgs to be honest.

Just say it please, don’t be another Bourbon.

You’re still not getting it?

Oh :joy:

I didn’t even notice :rofl:

Thanks for that

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This is fun

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find some scissors to open up a bag of chips, since it feels like the seal was super glued shut.

We talking like Smiths or like Kettles?
