Remember everyone, don’t let things get dragged down
insert “you’re not my mom” image here.
Watch out you might get ganged up on with that kind of opinion!
You’re not spelling that right.
Dammit. You got me there.
Which word?
There’s got to be some use for all the pointless trivia and pop culture references I have catalogued in my mind
You’re sure you don’t know?
Which word is spelt incorrectly?
You’re asking again?
Not me. I love Mechagnomes. Made a monk, wanted to name her Ohm, bc it’s the meditation sound and the unit of resistance, but it was taken.
I got Coaxial.
When I get the Mechagnome unlocked, I was going to name it “Shortborg”. Since Mechagnomes are like Cyborgs to be honest.
Just say it please, don’t be another Bourbon.
You’re still not getting it?
I didn’t even notice
Thanks for that
This is fun
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find some scissors to open up a bag of chips, since it feels like the seal was super glued shut.
We talking like Smiths or like Kettles?