Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

This is the problem with joining a conversation midway through.

Thought I had all of this one though! :sob: Always seems I miss bits and bobs.

That doesn’t explicitly say that they’re entirely being replaced.

They are rare and far between. However it is also a blank spot and may be intended to be more common than we know.

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I’m going to suggest you read the last 4 posts.

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Fight me…


Bring it on, dork.


elisande said the quel’dorei (she didnt specify) had diluted their bloodlines. paupers playing at nobility. could’ve been pointed only at the windrunners but oddly enough she said it to the quel’dorei as a group.

Which follows the current narritive of any elf living outside of Quel’Thalas. Not worthy to be called High Elves, as they are breeding themselves out of there pure blood line.

a remnant of a remnant.
an all but extinct race.

Its just another point against making “High Elves” a player race, but could open it up for Half Elves if blizz absolutely needed to make another elf variant. Even if personally, I would rather not and would like anything else as a Alliance player.

Edit: just read the whole convo and apologize if this came off as aggressive. But Guzz does have a point. There arnt really any half breeds to draw from currently

Cool. Let’s change their name to Silver Elves, Exiled Elves or Covenant Elves. Much cooler.

How so? So High Elves are a different race from Blood Elves in the end?


They are still thalasian elves living outside of Quel’Thalas. So nothing has changed. Its almost if changing a word dosent change what they are. You would most likely end up in another void elf situation since there not “High Elves”

That’s exactly what we want. A situation like Void Elves or Kul Tirans, but with High Elves.

So you admit you want a buttpull just to get what you want. I cant agree with that

Y’know, Half Elves would be a lore friendly buttpull!


I admit I want High Elves as a new allied race with a new model just like it was done with Void Elves and Kul Tirans because of the lore that I find interesting of those specific groups of Thalassian elves, yes I admit this.

ah yes, the deep lore of a couple npcs standing around as easter eggs since vanilla literally doing nothing

The lore of a people who chose ethics over survival, the people who chose a beneficial supranational alliance over a treacherous tyrannical nationalism, the people who chose moral consistency over moronic hypocrisy.

Yes, these people.


Like the elves of Dalaran who took the ethical route of hanging out being fed magical bon bons while the rest of their people suffered?

I don’t know if I’d refer to the imperialistic colonial Alliance that tended to think they had the right to push around races that they had never dealt with before as their manifest destiny in good terms.

Does that include the ones who went all ethnic cleansing on Dalaran?

Also, this nonsense of “We want the GOOD pure and right in every way High Elves not the dirty stinky evil blood elves” is a pretty good sized chunk of why I don’t think they should be playable.


Are you sure you’re talking about the high elves?

The depth of their hypocrisy is almost impressive.


The beloved High Elves would be so interesting working with Void Elves imo too! A perfect example for BEs to be doubly offended that HEs scoffed and looked down on them for their fel ties, but are fine with Void Elves.

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