There’s a tendency for certain posters to add a lot then double down. Many of them seem to think they can debate their fan-fics into the lore over the forums. I try to use waffle words and point out where things are relative.
However, generally (and an argument you’ve recently made) it is argued they shouldn’t trust the Horde because of orcs and trolls. That indicates racism as a motivation.
I mean ultimately I suppose one could see it that way. And it would be unwarranted fear regardless of the why.
You’re definitely right overall though that the High Elves weren’t as into the Alliance as the humans or even the Dwarves were. Even during the Second War they sent token forces and it was only because of Alleria that any of their forces went through the portal. Still there were those among their race who believed in the Alliance and never left it even when Silvermoon was ravaged and their Prince left the Alliance behind.
I imgaine its those that make up the SC and the High Elves that remained in SW and other Alliance settlements and have remained to this day.
whether theres enough of em, eh Blizz will decide eventually. (I’d say they already had but they keep using the darned things every expac.)
whats ion mean when he says the alliance high elves were being assimilated into other cultures? if they arent making new high elves, they must be making new something else. otherwise the implication is they dont even reproduce.
yeah, he was chatting it up with several people. its a video somewhere. he said they were being assimilated and there were no longer high elf hubs in the world where significant numbers of high elves existed that a playable high elf race could be drawn from. i believe this was before void elves though.
the only places high elves existed in numbers signficant enough to depict assimilation, was dalaran, where they were being assimilated via marriage with humans. this is repeatedly hinted at when the next generation of high elf heroes, like alleria and veressa, have half elf children, and elisande berates the quel’dorei for their diluted bloodlines.
Between Alleria, Sylvanas and Vereesa, there are three prominent High Elves (granted one is dead now) who had human lovers, and two of those have half elven children.
I also grant you though they are sisters… maybe its a family thing.
I suppose also Kalec is a half elf half human in his humanoid form, indicating that they exist in some amount for him to choose the form. but thats also supposition.
Why? between two sisters, and a much older example it shows that they exist currently and have existed before.
Further there is nothing that says others are not doing it.
Especially since the RPG is no longer canon we can’t even state if Half Elves are accepted easily or not. Or if they’re even rare or common now as Blizzard hasn’t said anything more than they’ve said.
And not to beat a dead Elisande, but she does indicate that the High Elves are diluting their bloodlines. While she’s likely referring just to Vereesa and her two children and nephew Blizzard never confirmed nor denied this.
I mean you don’t have to accept it, but it is unlikely that there are not more of them.
That wasn’t the question either. I’m sure they exist, I’m not sure the Dalaran high elves are ceasing to exist as a people because of their en masse human banging.
I cannot speak for others but I’m not saying they’re entirely ceasing to exist. But I wouldn’t be surprised to find especially among them a larger half elf population.
If the argument was that the Elves of Dalaran are going extinct because of interbreeding, well I can’t agree to that. That is a long ways off yet.