Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

It kinda fizzled out.

Nani? The tree?

That whole plot thread. What was the conclusion? Passive-aggressive night elves?

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Isn’t that the conclusion of all these threads?

I thought we came to the conclusion that Futurama is good?

Yeah, but’s what the one thing that can stop that dead in its tracks?

ofc, but we also discovered animaniacs > tiny toons

No we didn’t.

yes we did :female_detective:

Well, that settles that

Yeah… Really great move by blizzard to start with near genocide of a player race and end with a half hearted “we won one spot we were fighting over the entire last year that literally has no villages in it” for the night elves.

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Isnt darkshore a key location given its placement near teldrassil? When the tree recovers i am sure it will be a new barrier to enemies

What a barrier it was.

Point is they started with a firework and ended with a quiet whiff.

Nothing of ashenvale… No real consequence.

Agreed, night elves are gross.

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I mean you even do it again by classifying my criticism of VE’s as “venom”. How isn’t this all about you projecting your sensibility to my intention?

Again, if I say that VE’s are lazy as a concept and their implementation laughably dumb and you say that’s “spitting venom” how is that not you just being fixated on tone?


Hey now… Have you tried our kebabs?

sooo half elf (kalec blue hair color/blue eyes)
does it look like a blood elf?

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Mmmm I like it… Bet my hubby would too…

the tattoo confuses me. those are farstrider tattoos which belong to the blood elves. ears should only be pointy, these are a little too elongated for my tastes i feel like it might be infringing on the blood elves a little too much still

did ya see the pink one and the teal one? they dont look like blood elves =do they? just changing the ears and eyebrows alone, made a huge difference. bit of face scruff. different hair style. i honestly think half elves are the answer. we need more examples. whoever painted the original pic, did a great job.