Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Ha. Belongs to the farstriders? Thalassian elves can only use them if they’re a farstrider specifically? Do the gods smite you? Lol


well thats where they comes from

I’m all for half elves.

Personally don’t think it will entirely end the discussion though.

I did not see the pink or teal one! How far up the thread you think they are? Have them handy?

Sure. But like SC elves and void elves came from the same place as blood elves. Those tattoos aren’t just a farstrider thing. especially given that the SC designed themselves off the farstriders.

you have a point, as regards face paints. since the silver covenant didnt maintain the tradition, their offspring likely wouldnt either. the original painting had a scar across the eye. i just added the blue paint in the farstrider custom. but the ear, that’s a vulcan ear baby. that ain’t no belf ear. haha

They didnt continue it because Blizzard didnt want to put in the tattoos back then. Its not a matter of them not having them or the ability to use em.

Thats ridiculous.

Blood Elves didn’t continue it either, none of them have them.

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teal https://i.imgur.com/j8qC0GP.png
blue https://i.imgur.com/yd01S3A.png
pink https://i.imgur.com/bHeYA87.png

p.s. i didnt paint that. i only colored the hair, eyes and added the facepaint in paintshop. i dunno who the artist is

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I like the Blue one the most. Second most I like the Teal one though that might be because it used to be the color for hero units.
Pink I like still but not as much as the other two. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah i call that kalec blue. that’s a pretty shade of blue and it probably still isn’t the exact shade his was. i did it by memory and my memory is kinda old and hobbles around with yoda’s gimer stick

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There is nothing I don’t know about kebabs.


omg this is amazing.

omg…Will you just stop it? I know you’re trying with all your little might to be offended when you know perfectly well I didn’t call you anything.

I don’t think you’re venomous at all Talendrion and as someone who loves the VEs I agree they could be done differently though we may disagree on exactly what lol

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That’s not new, remember when the lovely level 13 hunter claimed I that called her side of the argument stupid.

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Honestly I just have found this whole tangent about you being so adamant in your tone policing funny, why would I have been offended by what at best have been lame snide remarks? Like chill, I don’t want to be offended not do I think you can actually pull it off.

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Wow Tarrok, great post! Your posts are always so insightful. Every time I read them my day gets a little bit brighter! :smiley:


i think you’re too nice to pick on other nice people :sunglasses:

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That’s why I love the Anti community, is full of kind individuals who share their love for lore and enlighten me with dedication and patience :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkles: