Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

You call those spikes?

Supposedly they’re getting along just fine.

Makes me wonder about those that keep on bringing up the fel kool aid argument… even with that argument seem flimsy, like. Fel = Bad but Void = A-ok!

But anyway, time for me to lay down in front of a full power fan in hopes to catch some much needed sleep in this humid summer >.<

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So many jokes I could make.

I’d just make it so that the eye color thing isn’t an identifier. Let non horde elves have green, gold, and whatever else they’ve historically had and then do the same for the blood elves. Easy fix with argument effectively done. Not going to hate on people that want playable high elves on the alliance but I personally think that ship sailed many many years ago

Yes. I appreciate the orcish spikes don’t get me wrong. Your race was made from stone castings from stone castings of stone castings. Surely this connection to the earth of your world makes your bodies robust and so the Fel pushes those little spikes into big healthy hulking ones.

But Fel Elves spikes are still spikes. The Similarity means its the Fel nothing else. And again. Your race hasn’t “evolved” in relation to general magic just the mutating power of the Fel. Its prime main thing it does. Corrupt and mutate.

Elves changed at the Well of Eternity (became elves) they mutated with the Sunwell, they mutated with Void. A wholly other group changed when locked away in a bubble for 10k years. Some became spiders, some fish, others clipity clopity saytr.

Bring an Elf to a source of power and they change.

Bring and Orc and you have nothing unless its Fel. :stuck_out_tongue:

Trolls fall into a similar bucket over time to elves, I think. >.>

Nah. Just because I moved away from my family in NY when I was 18 to ND…doesn’t mean after 10 years that we’re different people. My sisters and I are still the same.


Man, I’d be a mess having gone from Philly to Austin to the Olympic Peninsula to the Delmarva peninsula (I do have some confusion now as it seems companies on peninsulas have a driving need to named themselves "Peninsula "

my dad lives in cali, i dont. he also dresses different and likes different food. that means we are culturally distinct. :woman_shrugging:

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Basically a foreigner.


I was born in Cali, moved to Kentucky, then moved to Washington. I adapted to all three places over time… I’m clearly a new culture twice over.


its weird cause sometimes ill go back home to see the fam still for holidays or if i just get that itch to take a vacation out there. like a little pilgrimage :thinking:

i was born in cali too but if we like different foods or you like to wear hats most of the time we arent the same race according to bel

oop I said culture I meant to put race. :stuck_out_tongue: Its a ridiculous argument.

I like being three races effectively though. lol

Really, it’s all about putting the High Elves back into the Alliance where they belong.

The Horde are savages.

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Yeah, this is what you say right before you hit by a magic nuke from an aircraft.

There is too much teasing about High Elves that has been in the game for so long and would be dodgy for blizzard to just cut. High Elves ARE in the Alliance. Vereesa is, or at least partnered, with the alliance. I refuse to call Alleria a void elf until she’s forced to wear blue skin like the rest of them, something blizzard would regret doing I’m sure. I hope they regret Void Elves because I’m not going to stop asking for it, and I hope others don’t stop as well. Whatever they do at this point is going to feel muddy, but I want blizzard to cave.


idk we have 2/3rds of the elves now :smirk:

the city dwelling magical and majestic ones at that


And 100% of remaining elf cities.


And don’t mess with those elf cities as the Horde is now in control of the most destructive force in the history of WoW


I would say Burn, but then the tree has already been turned to charcoal hasn’t it?




Vengeance for Teldrassil!

Yeah I got nothing else theres no lie.

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