That’s another issue entirely.
That’s a theory.
Dalaran high elves and Dalaran blood elves separated like 15 years apart and there’s nothing to suggest Sunreavers are all half elves.
Yup, they needed a big event to move them forward and in doing so might have moved them too quickly.
I like this as an argument for the Half elves, though I think Eslisande was trying to make a dig at Vereesa specifically since she has two half elven children and a half elven nephew.
Oh no doubt. They really should have used High Elves instead of the Blood Elves. Would have left less of a bad taste in the Helfers mouths I think.
Imo, the whole thing about changing them by dipping them in the Void juice wasn’t a bad idea. It goes with the whole theme of elves being affected by different sources of magic (because we all know elves are in fact the Eevees of WoW). If anything, their transformation it’s one of the things they did best… where they took them from and how they were introduced, that’s the issue.
Ooh wow, they have green eyes.
i have always wondered, since i first learned of kalec’s “half elf” appearance, where he got the concept for it if there’s only like 5 or 6 in wow. lol its possible they toyed with the idea of having them be playable but shied away from it originally, because they didnt want to look as if they were mimicking everquest race for race, and is also why we got locks instead of necros and no bards.
But not your priest. Buahahahah
Oh the transformation is not the issue its more them coming outa left field and not being High Elves that were already serving with the Alliance. And they totally are the Eevee’s of WoW. So… yeah i suppose we agree.
Orcs are just the differences between Alolan Meowth and Meowth.
Blizzard has had half elves around for a long time. Arator’s been here since TBC. Vereesa had her children introduced not long after. Also originally the population released on Stormwind had a rather large amount of Half Elves included. (Don’t know that any of that is canon anymore though…)
I want my dark ranger :o I was talking to ugh I forget who it may be up here or in the other thread, but he had the idea for a 3 spec new ranger type magic dps with dark ranger being one spec, but it went along with half elves and high elves ugh so perfection
I think they were thinking that there weren’t enough remaining high elves that you could draw a player race from to do it with. Though they should have included Alliance high elves. However considering how they’ve reacted to Blood Elven pragmatism, they aren’t all that open minded. Considering that Void Elves are on the Alliance, I 'd imagine that is far more upsetting to them then anything Blood Elves have done. Part of me wonders if they are being set up for an Alliance gone wrong scenario or some kind of defection. Particularly if the Silver Covenant separates from Dalaran.
Not cool, man.
Tell me when elves gain the ability to grow spikes.
oh i need to read that.
I think its in the half elf thread whoops but it was a good suggestion!
My theory is it’s so they can include void elves in blood elf storylines.
Kael’s appearing in SLs, why would a high elf care about him?
Have you seen felblood elves?
But both of the others will. I got it.
You call them spikes? You are like little baby.
But there are enough of a “crack squad of Blood Elves” interested in the Void to make a new race off of. Whomever was in charge of that story bit needs to get their head examined. lol
I do wonder how the High Elves as a whole see Void Elves. Wish we had more… like lore on any of it. lol
Theres hints that something might happen… Less so now that the BIG VOID GOD is here and the only whiff of a problem we see is in the visions…
Check out the Fel Elves on the Throne of Kiljaeden or in that raid on Quel’Danas. They get spikes and horns just the same… OH some Demon Hunters have little spikes.
Besides orcs have only ever changed in relation to the Fel radiation… Its green for being around it, red for being inundated with it, and spikey for eating it and being inundated with it.
Which unlike Alliance high elves is 100% player material.