gnomes so hi, lol
thats essentially the point i was making. its no surprise alliance players who dont keep tabs on the lore and whatnot, would just go away with the wrong impression. and as a result, giving them a race of “perfect elves” who are in fact, not perfect, is an issue you dont have to face, if they are indeed, not good people.
from the horde perspective they are cowardly traitors and murderers (incident in dalaran). from the alliance perspective, they are upright moral heroes of the alliance. haha. the devs and writers did this. not the players. the players only know what the devs/writers say/suggest. its only us lore readers who see the nuance.
dayum that ego.
well ya gotta read the lore or you will only know whats going on ingame. and if you dont read the lore you’re likely to see it from whatever narrative is designed for your faction.
I do keep on top of the lore.
I just think its wrong to say that anyone who doesn’t will never understand.
It feels like it says more about how you want to be seen than what the game says.
I mean really to keep up with the lore here you just need to play both factions and read the text. I think most play both factions. Text… 50 50 on that.
oh there are novels where the content is added to the lore and many parts are not depicted ingame. there’s also additional info that isn’t extrapolated on ingame but is fleshed out in non-canonical sources. like not many people know that kalecgos is in half elf form when he appears in magister’s terrace or that veressa windrunner has twin half elf sons from her husband, the human rhonin.
I hope you dont mean that bit
So why can’t there be a faction of regular blood elves that take back their traditional name, are unhappy with the horde and want to rejoin the alliance?
it helps us understand the rest of the game, but it isn’t canonical because its relevancy is not ingame yet, but it helps to flesh out the actual lore. example: the book of enoch is considered jewish psuedopigraphia, meaning not canonical, yet in many places it helps to flesh out canonical texts.
for example
This section contains information from the
[Warcraft RPG]
which is considered non-canon
You cant trust the lore in anything deemed to be non canon.
I rule it all straight out.
Because it would be incredibly weird for a people who went in to fight what was essentially a suicide mission to save Quel’thalas rather than live as exiles to voluntarily abandon Quel’thalas to live as exiles.
Because there’s a SOLID reasoning why they left the alliance and joined the horde in the first place?
Also because there should be a distinct division of horde and alliance. Mixing their races together and giving them tentalces and calling them something else in my opinion was a huge mistake and should have never happened in the first place.
Also, why are we assuming the blood elves are unhappy with the Horde? They’ve been in longer than the trolls and tauren were as of Wrath. It seems perfectly reasonable that they care about and are loyal to the Horde.
You know what, I am taking over this thread with Futurama.
It wouldn’t even matter if someone said they were. Alliance high elf fanatics would still make up some reason about “Well, there’s ONE NPC that says he likes the alliance! IT MEANS HIGH ELVES FOR THE ALLIANCE!”
If anything high elves should be a horde allied race, honestly. I think people begging for them to be alliance is silly. We clearly got void elves. Don’t like it? Play horde and stop complaining. Nobodies forcing you to play alliance.
Why would anyone be happy and loyal to the monsters that are in the horde?
You spewing venom on void elf story, me pointing it out, isn’t me accusing you of BEING a ‘venomous’ person.
Why choose to deliberately misrepresent what I said?

Why would anyone be happy and loyal to the monsters that are in the horde?
Get to kill as much Alliance filth as you like.