I see Well………
Sorry if this has been said before, but if the population thing is really an issue, explain how Void Elves can be so numerous when they are supposedly a small sect of Blood Elves that broke off to study the void.
Tbh, it feels more like Blizz once again either not wanting to give the Alliance what they asked for, or taking an Alliance request and putting their own spin on it. Either way, just feels like another slight jab at the Alliance playerbase.

Tbh, it feels more like Blizz once again either not wanting to give the Alliance what they asked for, or taking an Alliance request and putting their own spin on it. Either way, just feels like another slight jab at the Alliance playerbase.
They didn’t want to just make a Horde race neutral. Void elves were an attempt to give the Alliance high elves without muddying the faction identity lines (they did, but not as much as high elves).
You can see why they couldn’t just give a Horde race to the Alliance wholesale, can’t you?

Why would anyone be happy and loyal to the monsters that are in the horde?
Could say the exact same thing about the alliance.

Why would anyone be happy and loyal to the monsters that are in the horde?
Could say the exact same thing about the alliance.
So an undead walking rotting corpse is not a monster?

So an undead walking rotting corpse is not a monster?

If I make myself a ham sandwich and offer you one, but you tell me you don’t like ham and would prefer a turkey sandwich, I wouldn’t turn around and call you culturally different from me.
I like this one
It is if you take the sandwich away from the Undead.
As someone who has worked numerous jobs, human beings are capable of much more monstrous things than you think.

Why would anyone be happy and loyal to the monsters that are in the horde?
Nice one HMP.
Please, put on a shirt, I feel my eyes will melt out of their sockets due to the ugly sight.

put on a shirt
But wh… Oh wait, he is a Male Human. Oh right, yeah.
Exactly. It should be mandatory for human males to cover themselves from head to toe (face included).
Male blood elves, however, should never wear a shirt, ever.

Please, put on a shirt, I feel my eyes will melt out of their sockets due to the ugly sight.
Awe let him keep his shirt off :o maybe its summer where he is

Male blood elves, however, should never wear a shirt, ever.
I agree with u more and more Midare
Should be Mandatory for Male Human Paladins as well to Cover there faces as well.
Oh yeah, what do you think of my Palavoid Midare?

Awe let him keep his shirt off :o maybe its summer where he is
I live in a country where is currently summer and it has one of the most obnoxious types of summers (humid and hot) and yet… no mercy for the humans.

I agree with u more and more Midare

Should be Mandatory for Male Human Paladins as well to Cover there faces as well.
If they show skin, that’s a paddlin’
No wait… what if they’re into… shudders

Oh yeah, what do you think of my Palavoid Midare?
Nice combo of pieces transmog wise. The color scheme with the purple, gives me vibes of the colors cabs use here, a little bit.

If they show skin, that’s a paddlin’

No wait… what if they’re into… shudders
Oh god, if they are into anything else outside of other Human Paladins, I think Ima puke.

So an undead walking rotting corpse is not a monster?
Your tusks are pathetic.
Guzzle. It’s late. You should be asleep.
silly of you to think Male Human Paladins to have Tusk.

Oh god, if they are into anything else outside of other Human Paladins, I think Ima puke.
Considering they’re supposed to be super religious…